體of anhydrous bicarbonate of soda, without any anæmia or loss of health.'he blood appeared to be as rich in coloured corpuscles as usual, and MZ

E MI, S NCES - search.proquest.com
4. Warburg's Tincture.–This unti-pyretic remedy, which las attained much celebrity, and the
composition of which was kopt secret, has just been made public, in a paper by Prof …

Antipyretic Action of Soda Bicarbonate

C Monks - The Indian Medical Gazette, 1890 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Congress held in Vienna, and since coming to my notice, I have used it in several cases of
obstinate fever of a continued type with a tendency to high temperature due to excessive …

Improvement in medical compounds or coffee-antidotes

US Patent 121,665, 1871 - Google Patents
This medical compound is both for a therapeu tic and a preventive agent in cases of
miasmatic poisonings, epidemic and putrid diseases, such as cholera, yellow fever …

[PDF][PDF] 7. For an improvement in the,/l] q) a~,'ct [~.~ and~ lfocle of D~'a~ o. ing~'oda l~ Urtter; Justus Perldns, Ilrutus, Cayuga comity, New

M York - scholar.archive.org
A vessel of tin or other material is to be made, and divided into two paris by a partition
across. A cock is to be inserted into this vessel, the tube of which, behind the key, is to be …

and guaiacol, made by Hayden, to which the-names creosotal

M GILBERT - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Messrs. CJ HIEWL-ETT AND SON (35, Charlotte Street, London, EC) showed a large
number of pharmaceutical pre-parations, including antiseptic jellies, pellets, and cream …

cal salt, and a mixture of earthy carbonates, are present, the

В Ерітон - search.proquest.com
Abstract Biniodide of Potassium.--Mr. Ernest Baudrimont (Jour. de Pharm., Jan. 1861,)
doubts the existence of this salt, and says that iodide of potassium, with an equivalent of …

[PDF][PDF] R Magn. sulph. zi.

D Glossop - scholar.archive.org
Px Liq. ammon. acet. zij. Spt. vini R. zi. Aq. distillat. qs ft. bj. M. ft lotio. the parts to be
frequently bathed with it. It is often necessary to repeat the pil. hydr. two or three successive …

essentially, 0.066 gm.(1 grain) of phénobarbital, to which

MM NOSTRUMS - jamanetwork.com
Devonia Mineral Water.—In May, 1919, the Devonian Min¬ eral Springs Company, Lorain,
Ohio, consigned a quantity of" Devonia Mineral Water" to Kentucky. The water was declared …

[PDF][PDF] dilute sulphuric acid, twelve minims; water to an ounce and I, i

J HILTON - scholar.archive.org
Colocynth and calomel pill, ten grains, at bedtime. Tincture I of aconite, six minims;
disulphate of quinine, five grains; dilute sulphuric acid, twelve minims; water to an ounce …

i488% tim owva-I SECRET REEMEDIES.[JUNE 22, I" 0?.

G Pharmacopoeia - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
DR. F. ZBRNIK publishes the seventh part of his work on Pecret remedies, proprietary
preparations, and new drugs, in the Deut. med. J'Voch. of May 2nd. Amrita is the name given …