M WONG - 1990 - core.ac.uk
Iron is an important element. It is mainly absorbed by the intestinal mucosal cells. After
binding with plasma transferrin, it is transported to various tissues according to their …


黄聪武, 白岚 - 第一军医大学学报, 2002 - cqvip.com
铁过载和肝脏疾病-[维普官方网站]-www.cqvip.com-维普网  我的维普 购物车 充值 客服 首页 |
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Iron overload and liver diseases

CW Huang, L Bai - Di 1 jun yi da xue xue bao= Academic Journal of …, 2002 - europepmc.org
The awareness of the harm of deficiency in iron, an essential trace elements for the growth
of almost all types of biological cells, has long been established. Iron overload, however, is …


金明丽, 舒健 - 泸州医学院学报, 2016 - cqvip.com
铁是人体必需的微量元素之一, 是血红蛋白, 肌红蛋白等的组成成份, 同时与人体内重要酶的合成
和活动密切相关, 在生命代谢过程中起着重要作用. 食物摄入和衰老红细胞释放的铁经吸收 …

Iron balance in Western societies as measured by serum ferritin

BA Leggett, JW Halliday - Iron and Human Disease, 2018 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Iron is an essential element for all living organisms and appropriate iron balance is
necessary for survival. Iron deficiency is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in human …

Iron metabolism

JL Lafond, J Arnaud - La Revue du praticien, 2000 - europepmc.org
Iron is essential to the human organism but is also highly toxic. Therefore, in the organism,
iron is always tightly bound to specific proteins. In the past few years, our understanding of …

[PDF][PDF] Pros and Cons of Iron Deficiency and Iron Defi-ciency Anaemia

A Ekladious - Japanese J Gstro Hepato, 2021 - scholar.archive.org
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) and iron deficiency (AD) are very common specially in low-
income countries [1]. People can suffer from symptoms of anaemia in the absence of …

Regulation of iron metabolism and its involvement in diseases

K Iwai - Rinsho byori. The Japanese Journal of Clinical …, 2008 - europepmc.org
Iron is an essential nutrient virtually almost all organisms including human, but at the same
time, it is toxic because its high reactivity to molecular oxygen generates free radicals …

[引用][C] Pathophysiology of iron homeostasis

GM Brittenham - Hematology, 2018 - Elsevier

[引用][C] 血清铁蛋白及运铁蛋白

张季平 - 1975