[PDF][PDF] 聚合物纳米药物用于治疗脑胶质瘤的最新研究进展

孙雅静, 王一斌, 刘艳杰, 邹艳, 郑蒙… - 中国科学: 生命科学, 2021 - researchgate.net
… 1.1 抗肿瘤烷化剂——替莫唑胺 替莫唑胺(temozolomide, TMZ)是… interactions for the robust
GBM combinational RNAi therapy. A: … Here, we review the research progress of chemotherapy, …

[HTML][HTML] 中药活性成分协同化疗药物的纳米共载体系联合抗肿瘤现状分析

石金凤, 李杰, 杨晓琴, 张月, 杨世才, 罗尧尧, 章津铭… - 药学学报, 2019 - html.rhhz.net
… At present, the combination active ingredients of Chinese herbal and chemotherapy drugs
… Oridonin induces apoptosis and reverses drug resistance in cisplatin resistant human gastric …

[PDF][PDF] 冰片辅助胶质瘤治疗的临床前研究进展

夏晶, 陈行, 陈建明, 武鑫 - 药学实践杂志, 2023 - yxsj.smmu.edu.cn
… -brain barrier and promote the infiltration of chemotherapy … on the combination of borneol
and chemotherapy drugs in recent … order to provide useful reference for the treatment of glioma. …


Y Zhao, Q Zhang, H Chen, X Fei, Y Shen, X Ji… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2017 - sjzsyj.com.cn
… cells, glial cells and glioma stem cells in glioma tissues under … ability of GSCs to resist
temozolomide. High expression of … release for use in tracing and combination therapy in vivo. …

[HTML][HTML] 抗肿瘤多药联用型纳米递送系统的研究进展

江文心, 张华清, 丁杨, 周建平 - 药学学报, 2022 - html.rhhz.net
… drug combination therapy strategies and their delivery systems, … drug delivery of angiopep
lipoPCB (temozolomide+BAP/… ) images of brains in intracranial glioblastoma mice before and …

[PDF][PDF] 肿瘤化疗耐药相关机制及干预策略

郭微, 华春雨 - 大连医科大学学报, 2024 - journal.dmu.edu.cn
… methods, chemotherapy is still the main approach of cancer treatment. During chemotherapy,
… severely limits the therapeutic effect of chemotherapy and greatly affects the prognosis of …

[HTML][HTML] T1-加权磁共振成像造影剂及其诊疗一体化纳米探针研究进展

周惠敏, 邱小忠, 沈折玉 - Journal of Southern Medical University, 2020 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
… ,是抗GBM的标准一线药物。然而超过45%的GBM可能对替莫唑胺有耐药性,GBM对替莫唑胺
… 虽然也有其他尚处于临床试验阶段的药物用于GBM的治疗,但由于大多不能通过BBB,药物很难…

[HTML][HTML] ABC 转运蛋白家族介导的中药-化药相互作用研究进展

何宇臻, 王辉, 方家豪, 曹雨虹, 洪战英, 柴逸峰 - 药学学报, 2021 - html.rhhz.net
… Abstract: ABC transporters on the intestinal barrier, blood-brain barrier and on tumor cells
will affect drug bioavailability, transport across the blood-brain barrier and multidrug resistance…