陆地水-碳酸盐- CO 2 -水生光合生物相互作用产生碳汇的重要性

Z Liu, W Dreybrodt - Science Bulletin, 2015 - Springer
… carbon flux on the land; CSWL: carbon source flux from waters on the land; CFR1: DIC …
a net long-term carbon sink and cannot influence climate change over extended timescales …


宋金明, 曲宝晓, 李学刚, 袁华茂, 段丽琴 - 海洋科学进展, 2023 - ams-journal.org.cn
… Climatological mean and decadal change in surface ocean p(CO2), and net sea-air CO2 flux
… Under the context of climate change, exhaustive exploration of the impact of anthropogenic …

Daoism and the Project of an Ecological Civilization or Shengtai Wenming 生态文明

M Schönfeld, X Chen - Religions, 2019 - mdpi.com
… To mitigate climate change and to staunch the sixth mass extinction needs precisely the …
We have struck the planet with a fever that requires medical attention. Climate change can be …

[HTML][HTML] 树轮记录的乌兹别克斯坦东南部1780 年以来的干湿变化

张合理, 赵晓恩, 陈峰, 胡茂, 王世杰, 陈友平, 岳伟鹏… - 第四纪研究, 2024 - dzkx.org
… of climate change over the past century and is of great significance for studying climate and
environmental changes … regulate climate and hydrological changes through water vapor flux. …

深层土壤有机碳储量, 稳定性以及对人类活动响应的研究进展

王高起, 袁丹, 吴萍, 秦树平, 胡春胜 - 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2025 - ecoagri.ac.cn
… of DSOM in climate change mitigation and to ensure the sustainability of our planet for future
… The importance of dissolved organic carbon fluxes for the carbon balance of a temperate …

[HTML][HTML] 红原泥炭记录的晚冰期以来若尔盖地区粉尘通量变率及其气候影响

汪洪娇, 曾蒙秀, 彭海军, 朱诚, 李越, 白勇勇, 曾巧… - 第四纪研究, 2023 - dsjyj.com.cn
climate change in East Asia since the late deglacial period, due to the shortage of high-resolution
climate … long-term evolution of dust flux and its climate background in Zoigê region from …

[HTML][HTML] 现代三角洲动力沉积过程与沉积体系发育机制评述: 以珠江三角洲为例

吴加学 - Climate Change Research Letters, 2012 - hanspub.org
: 全球变化和海平面上升背景下大型三角洲体系的响应机制与应对措施, 将是关系到区域和全局性
的环境与生态安全问题. 现代珠江三角洲是一个受构造活动与地貌控制, 河流与潮汐共同作用的…


何若雪, 孙平安, 于奭, 何师意 - 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018 - xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn
… characteristics and the changes of inorganic carbon flux of a karst … The flood period had the
highest carbon flux (4.43 kg C/s), … while flux and HCO 3 -concentration varied simultaneously. …

CMIP6 通量距平强迫模式比较计划(FAFMIP) 概况与评述

王雅琦, 刘海龙, 靳江波, 林鹏飞, 马金峰… - 气候变化研究 …, 2019 - climatechange.cn
Flux-Anomaly-Forced Model Intercomparison Project (FAFMIP) contribution to CMIP6:
investigation of sea-level and ocean climate change … which prescribed surface flux perturbations of …

针对IPCC 评估报告中海洋碳循环的疑问--δ13C 收支平衡法的验证

姜爱军, 陈中笑, 任慧军, 程军 - 气候变化研究进展, 2008 - climatechange.cn
… and the fluxes between them in four reports were similar, the estimated carbon fluxes between
… The δ13C budget was used to test the reasonable range of these fluxes. It shows that the …