棉花EXO70 基因家族全基因组的鉴定及种间比较

董琰钰, 徐碧玉, 董泽宇, 汪露瑶, 陈锦文, 方磊 - 中国农业科学, 2023 - chinaagrisci.com
… ]The two main types of allotetraploid cotton that are currently cultivated are upland cotton,
known … during the formation, differentiation, and domestication of tetraploid cotton. However, in …

棉属光敏色素PHY 基因家族的全基因组鉴定与驯化选择分析

顾家琦, 朱福慧, 谢沛豪, 孟庆营, 郑颖, 张献龙… - 植物学报, 2024 - chinbullbotany.com
… , provides insights into the de novo domestication and breeding of … PHY genes in diploid
and allotetraploid cotton 附录7PHY 家族基因… of PHY genes in cultivated and wild upland cotton

SRAP 结合ISSR 方法分析黄麻属的起源与演化

陶爱芬, 祁建民, 李木兰, 方平平, 林荔辉, 徐建堂 - 中国农业科学, 2011 - chinaagrisci.com
… evolution of Corchorus with two molecular methods (SRAP … the divergence time of wild and
cultivated species from Africa … and evolution of allotetraploid domesticated peanut, Arachis …


喻树迅 - 农学学报, 2018 - nxxb.caass.org.cn
: 棉花既是人们的衣着之源, 又是关系国计民生的重要物资, 在整个国民经济中占有非常重要的
位置. 在中国两千多年的植棉历史长河中, 中国棉花经历了从无到有, 从小到大, 从弱到强的发展…

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Y Yu, S Wu, J Nowak, G Wang, L Han, Z Feng… - academia.edu
… greatly contributed to domestication and cotton fibre traits across … significant insight into the
cellular mechanism of cotton fibre … Sequencing of allotetraploid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. …

[PDF][PDF] 多倍化和驯化研究进展与展望

杨学勇, 苏汉东, 张梦卓, 祝光涛, 程时锋… - 中国科学: 生命 …, 2021 - academia.edu
… Crop domestication is the process to domesticate and propagate wild plants into cultivated
crops, … preserve the genetic variation information on the genome through artificial selection. …


杨莎, 刘珂珂, 刘颖, 郭峰, 王建国, 高华鑫… - 中国农业 …, 2023 - chinaagrisci.com
… In order to solve this contradiction, the team studied and established the high-yield cultivation
… Rational cultivation promotes the sustainable development of peanut production in …


林春, 刘正杰, 董玉梅 - 遗传, 2019 - chinagene.cn
Cultivation and breeding of quinoa has received more … evolution, domestication by human,
and genetic breeding progress … line of Chenopodium quinoa, an allotetraploid crop with great …


王海燕, 龚志云, 蒋甲福, 周宝良, 娄群峰, 曹清河… - 遗传, 2021 - chinagene.cn
… of the origin, evolution, domestication of human, animal and plant… chromosome 4V provides
insights into its molecular structure … cucumber through the bridge of a synthetic allotetraploid. …


罗瑞, 陈娅, 张汉马 - 生物多样性, 2023 - biodiversity-science.net
… resequencing technology to study the domestication origin, environmental adaptations …
genomes, the use of the whole-genome resequencing technology in studying the domestication