
赵良 - 数学季刊, 2018 - sxjk.magtechjournal.com
… modules with respect to a semidualizing module. The concept … modules with respect to a
semidualizing module. It is proved … a complex Y, we say Y is HomR(X, −)-exact if the complex


李星宇, 赵玉鹏, 赵仁育 - Pure Mathematics, 2022 - hanspub.org
… a semidualizing R-module and X a class of R-modules. The notion of XG C -projective complexes
is introduced, and it is shown that a complex … N is a CX-complex. As applications, some …

Auslander 范畴和自由正规化扩张

谷勤勤, 卓远帆 - 数学季刊, 2021 - sxjk.magtechjournal.com
… In this paper, we prove that HomS (BBS ,R CS ) is a semidualizing (A,B)-bimodule under
some suitable conditions, and so HomS (BBS ,R CS ) induces an equivalence between the …

环同态下的与半对偶模相关的Gorenstein 平坦模的传递性

蔡晓东, 曹苗, 狄振兴 - 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 - xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn
… Abstract: Let C be a semidualizing R-module over a commutative coherent ring R. In this
artical, we show that if S is a faithfully flat commutative R-algebra such that the class of C⊗ R S-…


杨春花 - 山东大学学报(理学版), 2017 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… and C be a semidualizing R-module. It is proved that if a complex X with finite Gc -injective
dimension then X admitted a … Key words:semidualizing moduleꎻ Gc -injective dimensionꎻ Ic -…

强n-Gorenstein C-投射模和内射模

刘仲奎, 刘妍平 - 2013 - ir.nwnu.edu.cn
Semi-dualizing complexes and their Auslander categories[J].Trans Amer Math Soc,2001,353:1839-…
Homological aspects of semidualizing modules[J].Math Scand,2010, 106(1):5-22. …

强VW-Gorenstein 复形

贾宏慧, 赵仁育 - 《 山东大学学报(理学版)》, 2023 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… A notion of strongly VW -Gorenstein complexes is introduced. It is shown that if Vꎬ W are
closed under extensions and finite direct sumsꎬ V ⊥Vꎬ W ⊥Wꎬ V ⊥W and VꎬW ⊆G (VW )ꎬ …


鞠培军, 王伟 - 山东大学学报(理学版), 2017 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… [2] GOLOD E SG-dimension and generalized perfect ideals[J]. Trudy Mat.inst.steklovꎬ …
Gorenstein projective dimension with respect to a semidualizing module[J]. Journal of …