[PDF][PDF] 免疫异常儿童疫苗接种(上海) 专家共识

上海市医学会儿科专业委员会免疫学组… - 临床儿科 …, 2014 - jcp.xinhuamed.com.cn
Immune response of premature infants to meningococcal serogroup C and combined
diphtheria-tetanus toxoids-acellular pertussisHaemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines [J]…

[HTML][HTML] 肺炎球菌性疾病免疫预防专家共识(2020 版)

Chinese Preventive Medicine Association - 中华流行病学杂志, 2020 - html.rhhz.net
… However, antibiotic resistance to Streptococcus pneumoniae has become a severe
problem … 在基础免疫中,不管是单独接种或与白喉-破伤风-无细胞百日咳联合疫苗(Diphtheria,tetanus

[HTML][HTML] 肺炎球菌性疾病免疫预防专家共识(2017 版)

Chinese Preventive Medicine Association - 疾病监测, 2018 - jbjc.org
… However, antibiotic resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae has become a severe
problem … 在基础免疫中,不管是单独接种或与白喉-破伤风-无细胞百日咳联合疫苗(diphtheria,tetanus,…

[HTML][HTML] 中国流感疫苗预防接种技术指南(2023-2024)

IV TWG, National Immunization Advisory Committee… - 中华流行病学 …, 2023 - html.rhhz.net
… The influenza virus has frequent antigenic drifts that can facilitate escape from pre-existing
population immunity and lead to the rapid spread and annual seasonal epidemics. Influenza …

[HTML][HTML] 预防接种知情告知专家共识(下)

Chinese Preventive Medicine Association - 中华流行病学杂志, 2021 - html.rhhz.net
:《 中华人民共和国疫苗管理法》 和其他相关法律法规对受种者或其监护人的疫苗和预防接种工作
知情提出了要求, 对预防接种告知方式和内容作出了规定. 本共识以该法和《 预防接种工作规范》 …

[引用][C] 母乳中VA 与婴幼儿健康研究进展

贾宏信, 苏米亚, 陈文亮, 刘海安 - 乳业科学与技术, 2022

[HTML][HTML] 中国流感疫苗预防接种技术指南(2022-2023)

IV TWG, National Immunization Advisory Committee… - 中华流行病学 …, 2022 - html.rhhz.net
… The influenza virus has frequent antigenic drifts that can facilitate escape from pre-existing
population immunity and lead to the rapid spread and annual seasonal epidemics. Influenza …