II 型胆囊穿孔致肝脓肿3 例报告并文献复习

任少雄, 梁泽, 韩景钊, 脱红芳, 彭彦辉 - 临床肝胆病杂志, 2022 - lcgdbzz.org
Liver abscess caused by type II gallbladder perforation: A … Intrahepatic perforation of the
gallbladder causing liver abscesses: Case studies and literature review of a rare complication[J]. …

[PDF][PDF] 胆囊穿孔致肝脓肿误诊为胆管癌一例

王晨, 宁势力, 闫禹含, 王智达, 罗福文 - 肝胆胰外科杂志, 2017 - gdy.qk.wmu.edu.cn
Gallbladder perforation: a single center experience of 32 … Intrahepatic perforation of the
gallbladder causing liver abscesses: case studies and literature review of a rare complication [J]. …

[HTML][HTML] 急性胆囊炎的治疗进展

曹鹏辉, 牛浪, 高峰, 刘文章 - Advances in Clinical Medicine, 2020 - hanspub.org
: 急性胆囊炎是一种常见急腹症, 目前随着人们生活质量提高, 饮食习惯改变, 人口老龄化进展, 本
病的发生率逐年上升. 本文以《 东京指南(2018)》 和国内外对急性胆囊炎的研究成果为指导叙述…

IS-S3-1 指_ G Advance in the treatment of IBD

K Matsuoka - jstage.jst.go.jp
… We will present the techniques and the outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer.
… In stones which are impacted, too many or intrahepatic, we can also use the technique of …