
焦付超, 李永祥, 陈林, 刘志斋, 石云素, 宋燕春… - 中国农业 …, 2014 - chinaagrisci.com
Molecular-marker-facilitated studies of morphological traits in maize. II: Determination of …
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for kernel row number in maize across seven environments. …


李秀, 徐坤, 巩彪, 曹逼力, 王忠宾 - 中国农业科学, 2012 - chinaagrisci.com
… -yielding varieties, and branch number, leaf number and ginger bulb number were named
as determinative … Molecular marker-facilitated investigations of quantitative trait loci in maize

盐, 碱胁迫条件下粳稻Na+, K+ 浓度的QTL 分析

邢军, 常汇琳, 王敬国, 刘化龙, 孙健, 郑洪亮… - 中国农业 …, 2015 - chinaagrisci.com
Molecular-marker facilitated studies in an elite maize population: I. Linkage analysis and …
Identification of quantitative trait loci for salt and alkaline tolerance in rice[D]. Beijing: …

基于90K 芯片标记的小麦芒长QTL 定位

张传量, 简俊涛, 冯洁, 崔紫霞, 许小宛, 孙道杰 - 中国农业科学, 2018 - chinaagrisci.com
… The number of linkage markers in the two linkage maps indicated that the 90K marker was
unevenly distributed in wheat genomes A, B and D, but was all expressed as the number of …

玉米杂交种掖单13 号的SSR 连锁图谱构建与叶夹角和叶向值的QTL 定位与分析

路明, 周芳, 谢传晓, 李明顺, 徐云碧, 张世煌 - 遗传, 2007 - chinagene.cn
… a: The number following the two letters represents the chromosome location of the QTL and
is … Molecular marker-facilitated investigations of quantitative trait loci in maize.Ⅱ. Factors …

玉米雄穗分枝数与主轴长的QTL 鉴定

高世斌, 赵茂俊, 兰海, 张志明 - 遗传, 2007 - chinagene.cn
… Abstract: On the basis of 103 SSR linkage map, QTLs associated with tassel branch number
(TBN) … Thick tassel dwarf1 encodes a putative maize ortholog of the arabidopsis CLAVATA1 …

玉米株高QTL 定位研究进展

郑雷, 周羽, 曾兴, 邸宏, 翁建峰, 李新海, 王振华 - 作物杂志, 2016 - zwzz.chinacrops.org
Molecular-markerfacilitated investigations of quantitative trait loci in maize.Theoretical &
Applied … With the development of molecular biology, numbers of studies on QTL mapping of …

[PDF][PDF] 干旱条件下玉米耐旱相关性状的QTL 一致性图谱构建

李雪华, 李新海, 郝转芳, 田清震, 张世煌 - 2005 - Citeseer
… In this paper, QTL relevant to drought tolerance in maize genomic database were explored,
… 农艺,产量及生理性状的数量性状位点 (quantitative trait loci,QTL)定位的报道,发现了近 200 个…

玉米株高和穗位高的QTL 定位

杨晓军, 路明, 张世煌, 周芳, 曲延英, 谢传晓 - 遗传, 2008 - chinagene.cn
… traits with a number indicating the located chromosomes. The following … Quantitative trait
loci for plant height in four maizeMolecular-marker-facilitated studies of morphological traits in …

[PDF][PDF] 基于两个相关群体的玉米6 个穗部性状QTL 定位

赵小强, 方鹏, 彭云玲, 高巧红, 曾文静… - 农业生物技术 …, 2018 - journal05.magtech.org.cn
… TS141 were developed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for ear number per plant (EN),
ear … molecular marker facilitated investigations of quantitative trait loci in maize. Ⅱ. Factors …