[HTML][HTML] 以生殖健康为导向的辅助生殖技术发展

沛然胡, 洁雪潘, 欣梅刘, 荷凤黄 - Journal of Sichuan University …, 2024 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
… in vitro maturation, biphasic IVM)、胚胎冷冻及冷冻胚胎复苏移植(frozen embryo transfer,
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Noninvasive amino acid profiling of embryo culture medium … Metabolism of the oocyte
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[引用][C] 体外胚胎培养是胚胎工程技术的关键环节

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土壌に含まれているおもな天然放射性核種はU 系列核種, Th 系列核種, 40K などであり, これら
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… In vitro fertilization and embryo culture strongly impact the … of miRNAs from nuclear
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… Diagnostic value of lung clearance of 99mTc DTPA compared with other non-invasive
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RI 理工学利用文献集(211) RADIOISOTOPES

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入射したときの二次電子放出を時間零に設定してAl の表面状態に捕えられたe+ の寿命を測定し,
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