
黄小平, 张景平, 江志坚 - 地球科学进展, 2015 - adearth.ac.cn
… environmental effects of nutrients input caused by human activities on the semi鄄enclosed
bay and … Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to Narragansett Bay: Past, present, and future [M]椅…

[PDF][PDF] 大亚湾水质对人类活动响应的关键控制指标识别和量化解析

姜迅, 武文, 宋德海 - 热带海洋学报, 2022 - jto.ac.cn
… carrying indicators, which have significant impact on the water quality of the Daya Bay. The
… Spatio-temporal distribution and eutrophication assessment of nutrients in Daya Bay during …

[PDF][PDF] 铁c 感庶众码众﹑ 大久

OO Rogof - pedbikeinfo.com
… EAST BAY BICYCLE FACILITY - along Narragansett Bay, RI An interim use of an … impacts
of surrounding development. Through filtering of sheet runoff and uptake of excess nutrients


方一平, 朱付彪, 宜树华, 邱孝枰, 丁永建 - 气候变化研究进展, 2019 - climatechange.cn
… The impacts of permafrost change on NPP and implications: a case of the source regions
of … digestive nutrient analysis [J]. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2000, 78: 223235 …

234Th/ 238U 不平衡法在真光层颗粒动力学研究中的应用

陈敏, 黄奕普 - 地球科学进展, 1999 - adearth.ac.cn
: 真光层是海洋浮游生物活动最为活跃的区域, 其间发生的颗粒动力学过程及其机制对于海洋碳
的生物地球化学循环有着重要影响, 利用放射性核素示踪海洋真光层颗粒动力学过程成为近年来…