[PDF][PDF] 新型口服抗凝药治疗不同体质指数房颤患者的有效性和安全性的Meta 分析

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… risk of atrial fibrillation:a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of pro⁃ spective
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[HTML][HTML] 加速康复外科在肺癌围术期管理中的应用

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病态肥胖患者在接受治疗体重减少后C 反应蛋白, 肿瘤坏死因子α 和白细胞介素-6 的水平变化

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不同麻醉方式对膝关节置换后下肢静脉血栓形成的影响: Meta 分析

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Commentary: Is the era of bilateral internal thoracic artery coming for diabetic patients? Yes, 取决于你问谁[depends who you ask]

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patients, women, and those with increased body mass index. This correlates well with the
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[PDF][PDF] 信迪利单抗联合化疗对晚期胃癌患者近期疗效及血清CEA sTim-3 sLAG-3 和T 淋巴细胞亚群的影响

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… direct oral anticoagulants versus warfarin in obese patients … safety between thrombolysis
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伴and is cosponsored by the University of Tennessee College

Anticoagulant therapy plays an important role in the prevention … are becoming interested
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… 利伐沙班是一种竞争性,可逆性的新型口服 抗凝药(new oral anticoagulants,NOACs),选择性
阻断Xa因子的活性位点发挥药理作用,用于预防 成人急性冠状动脉综合征,非瓣膜性房颤患者脑 …

[PDF][PDF] 全国临床安全用药监测网2016 至2020 年华法林用药错误报告分析

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use of non‑vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulantsoral antico‑ agulants versus warfarin
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