Tet1 和5-hydroxymethylcytosine 在淋巴生發中心的形成和功能的角色

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… significantly downregulated TET protein during B cell activation. Using SKW6.4 cell line, we
… GC transition and the regulation of Bcl2 and Kaiso expressions is probably the mechanism. …

多组学数据解析循环及浸润性B 细胞在结直肠癌免疫微环境中的作用

龚其雨, 陈磊 - 上海交通大学学报(医学版), 2022 - xuebao.shsmu.edu.cn
… and regulatory networks of B cell subsets. Results· CD20+B … ,滤泡 B 淋巴细胞(follicular B
cell,FoB),未转化的记忆 B 细胞(non… Transition index of B cell subsets among normal (A), tunor (B) …

B 细胞非霍奇金淋巴瘤组织中YAP1 和P53 的表达及意义

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B-NHL were further categorized into DLBCL group (49 cases… B-NHL was 68.3%, and it was
61.2% in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), 100% in indolent B-NHL group and control

B 淋巴细胞抗体产生在慢性鼻-鼻窦炎伴鼻息肉中的作用

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… In this review, we summarize how B cell produces antibody … 组织 等,此时为过渡型B细胞
(transitional B cell),根据细胞 膜所表达… (follicle B cells),这些尚未受到抗原刺激的 B细胞统称为初始B

[PDF][PDF] 基于Cre⁃ LoxP 系统的B 细胞特异性荧光报告基因小鼠模型的构建及鉴定

吴孟瑶, 张雪婷, 程倩倩… - 中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 2023 - cjpt.magtechjournal.com
B细胞在发育成熟前经历短暂的过度期1 B细 胞(transitional 1 … B)[6],并继 续发育成为滤泡型B
细胞(follicular B cells,FO B) 和… The genotype of the control group was tdTomatoF/-CD19-Cre- or …

缺血性脑卒中后吞噬能力和趋化功能增强的B 细胞新表型

R Wang, H Li, C Ling, X Zhang, J Lu, W Luan… - 中国神经再生研究 …, 2023 - sjzsyj.com.cn
… insights into the cellular and molecular characteristics of B cells … identified as B-2 cells, also
known as follicular B cells and … with pseudotime order, revealing the gradual transition to the …

[HTML][HTML] 抵抗女性生殖道沙眼衣原体感染的免疫新策略

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cells; ② Establishing an intracellular niche; ③ Transition of … and B cells are involved in the
formation of lymphoid follicles … ); however T Reg cells mainly negatively regulate others and …

[PDF][PDF] PDK1 对生发中心的生成, 发育及功能的影响

顾小梅, 许晨光, 刘思辰, 贺丽丽… - Progress in Modern …, 2018 - biomed.cnjournals.com
… as well as T cell-dependent immune responses were reduced. … Pdk1fl/fl control mice, PI3K
activation level of B cells from GC … B cells defined as GL-7+ Fas+ in WT and PDK1-KO mice at

[PDF][PDF] 1 型糖尿病小鼠模型中MZB 和FoB 细胞的检测

殳洁, 孙寒晓, 张洁, 李月, 盛慧明 - 现代生物医学进展, 2020 - biomed.cnjournals.com
… of marginal zone B cell (MZB) and folicular B cell (FoB) in … water intake but body weight, at
the same time fasting blood … Compared with the control group, the frequency of MZB cells in …

神经系统炎症反应的代谢重编程: 炎症与新陈代谢之间的交叉作用

J Amo-Aparicio, CA Dinarello… - 中国神经再生研究(英文 …, 2024 - sjzsyj.com.cn
… the fundamental mechanisms that regulate immune cell function but … Like T-cells, B cells
show increased glycolysis after activation … The transition from resting to activated phenotypes in …