[PDF][PDF] Structure of the space of GL4 (Z2)-coinvariants Z2⊗ GL4 (Z2) 乡AH (Z 4 2, Z2) in some generic degrees and its application

D PHÚC - researchgate.net
… Then, the stable value [Sn+q,S n] for n sufficiently large is known as the q-th stable
homotopy group of spheres, πq. The cohomology of A with k-coefficients, ExtA(k, k) = {Ext …


浠讳紵 - 数学学报, 2022 - actamath.cjoe.ac.cn
… 0 B ) are studied via modules over diagonal “small rings” A and B. However, we use model
modules to characterize the stable categories GP(A), GP(B) of Gorenstein projective modules


李星宇, 赵玉鹏, 赵仁育 - Pure Mathematics, 2022 - hanspub.org
… Abstract: Let R be a commutative ring, C a semidualizing R-module and X a class of R-modules.
The notion of XG C -projective complexes is introduced, and it is shown that a complex …

形式三角矩阵环上的Gorenstein AC-投射维数

李帮禹, 杨晓燕 - Pure Mathematics, 2022 - hanspub.org
module M 1 and left B-module M 2 . Moreover, we establish a relationship of left global
Gorenstein AC-projective dimensions of ring … -projective dimension of the ring and Gorenstein AC-…

Gorenstein 正则环, 奇点范畴和Ding 模

W Jun Peng, ZX DI - 数学学报, 2019 - actamath.cjoe.ac.cn
… coincide for any ring. We investigate the … stable categories with respect to Ding modules,
and characterize Gorenstein (regular) rings and the finiteness of left global dimension of rings in …

形式三角矩阵环上的PGF 模

薛淑娴, 杨刚 - Pure Mathematics, 2020 - hanspub.org
… Abstract: Let be a formal triangular matrix ring, where A and B are rings and U is a (B, A)-bimodule.
We prove that, if BU has finite flat dimension, and UA has finite flat or injective …

Y-Gorenstein 内射模和Frobenius 双模

王小妹 - Pure Mathematics, 2021 - hanspub.org
… injective module and Frobenius bimodules. Let R and S be associative rings with an identity…
We proved that (1) R op -module X is Y- Gorenstein injective module if and only if Hom Rop (…

[PDF][PDF] 数学史大纲(Brief History of Math)

ST Yau - Notices of the International Consortium of Chinese …, 2021 - intlpress.com
… Bott found the important periodicity of stable homotopic groups of classical groups. J. Milnor
introduced surgery theory while S. Smale proved the h-cobordism theorem, which implies …

Gorenstein FPn-投射模

张健芳, 高增辉 - 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020 - xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn
… Abstract: Let R be a ring and n≥1 be an integer. As a generalization of Gorenstein FP-projective
modules, Gorenstein FP n -projective modules have been introduced and investigated …

[引用][C] 关于-Ding同调模

陈东, 胡葵 - 数学进展, 2021