[HTML][HTML] 黔北三星洞石笋记录的岩石磁学特征分析

洪晖, 关淇文, 王晓艳, 姜修洋, 何尧启, 吕镔 - 第四纪研究, 2016 - html.rhhz.net
… The Blake geomagnetic excursion recorded in a radiometrically dated speleothem. Earth …
magnetism about the SX3-b,and these studies include the magnetic susceptibility,the magnetic


孔兴功 - 高校地质学报, 2009 - geology.nju.edu.cn
… Mediterranean regions form stable isotope composition of speleothems from Soreq Cave,
Israel [M] // … Uranium and thorium isotopic and concentration measurements by magnetic sector …


周厚云, 刘淑华, 彭小桃, 程珂, 陈琼… - 华南师范大学学报 …, 2018 - journal-n.scnu.edu.cn
… on speleothem δ13 C,it is suggested that CO2 degassing of dripping water may be a key factor
influencing speleothem … and concentration measurements by magnetic sector inductively …

[HTML][HTML] 鄂西和尚洞石笋500 年生长周期及其对区域水文变化的响应

张翠贞, 朱宗敏, 丁建宇, 石太衡 - 地质科技通报, 2022 - dzkjqb.cug.edu.cn
… Holocene ENSO-related cyclic storms recorded by magnetic minerals in speleothems of
central China[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114(5): 852-857. doi: …

[PDF][PDF] 湖北清江榨洞石笋双波长反射光谱特征及其古气候意义

胡超涌, 黄俊华, 方念乔, 杨冠青 - 第四纪研究, 2002 - dsjyj.com.cn
… from stable isotope analysis of speleothems at Soreq cave , … of magnetic minerals extracted
from speleothems. Earth and … of samples and hence between speleothem color and climate. …

[HTML][HTML] 临夏黄土记录的26 万年来季风快速变化

郭飞, 王婷, 刘宇明, 王扬, 樊会敏, 孙有斌 - 第四纪研究, 2019 - html.rhhz.net
… 2 Variations(b) of magnetic susceptibility and mean grain … at 65N(a) [48] , speleothem δ 18
O of Sanbao-Hulu caves (b) [49~… size of Linxia loess core and speleothem δ 18 O of Sanbao-…


孔祥辉, 周卫健, 武振坤, 杜雅娟, 赵国庆, 谢兴俊 - 地球环境学报, 2016 - jee.ieecas.cn
… is regulated by the Earth’s magnetic field intensity, ie, when the … attenuated by scattering
off the magnetic field, resulting in … correlated with the records of speleothem δ 18 O which is …


龙宜澧, 刘星星, 王婷, 孙有斌 - 地球环境学报, 2021 - jee.ieecas.cn
… Grain-size distributions and magnetic susceptibilities were … on the sensibility of magnetic
susceptibility to paleoclimate … patterns with loess and speleothem records and are sensitive to …

[PDF][PDF] 基于“平均值概念” 的“残差示踪法”——黄土高原降水重建的应用

周卫健, 陈茂柏, 孔祥辉, 鲜锋, 杜雅娟… - Journal of Earth …, 2015 - llqg.ieexa.cas.cn
… Here we introduce a new method to reconstruct paleoprecipitation by using loess magnetic
… Like speleothem δ18O records, 10Be precipitation records in loess during MIS 5 clearly …

[HTML][HTML] 全新世太阳活动对东亚夏季风百年尺度变化影响的模拟研究

陈萌萌, 孙炜毅, 刘健, 宁亮, 严蜜, 马雅楠, 陈少洋 - 第四纪研究, 2023 - dsjyj.com.cn
… Holocene ENSO-related cyclic storms recorded by magnetic minerals in speleothems of
central China[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …