睾丸发育和精子生成相关miRNA 研究进展

冉茂良, 陈斌, 尹杰, 杨岸奇, 蒋明 - 遗传, 2014 - chinagene.cn
… Huszar等[43]研究发现, miR-146 依赖维甲酸 (Retinoic acid, RA)信号对精原干细胞的分化具有
重 要… in response to retinoic acid-induced spermatogonial differentiation in mice. Biol Reprod…

[PDF][PDF] 精原干细胞分离, 鉴定, 培养及其应用进展

徐远飞, 侯彬, 周继昌 - 生命科学, 2017 - lifescience.sinh.ac.cn
… g/L 全反式维甲酸(all trans retinoic acid, RA),以促进SSCs 的体外… : morphometric study of
human spermatogonial stem cells in … Direct transdifferentiation of stem/progenitor spermatogonia

非编码RNA 与哺乳动物生殖细胞生长发育.

黄楷, 姜梦迪, 李美姿, 丁之德 - Journal of International …, 2015 - search.ebscohost.com
retinoic acid,RA)信号通路促进 RA合成酶表达而启动减数分裂过程[9], 此外,在男性不育症
治疗中还发现了miRNA新 的功能: 在实验中通过叔丁基过氧化氢(tertiary> butyl hydroperoxide,TBHP…


赵鑫, 杨化强 - 遗传, 2019 - chinagene.cn
… 作用,它产生CSF1 并表达参与维甲酸 (retinoic acid, RA)生物合成的酶进而调节精原细胞 分化
[… in spermatogonia is associated with maintenance and differentiation of spermatogonial stem …

长链非编码RNA 与精子发生

黄嘉膂, 陈珺, 张柳成, 吴钧翔, 吴毓俭… - 国际生殖健康/计划生育 …, 2016 - gjszjk.ac.cn
… in the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of germ cells … .以小鼠为例,在有丝分裂期
,一部分精原干细 胞(spermatogonial … (retinoic acid,RA)依赖性的STRA8因子表达,并间 接抑制RA的…


张博航, 祁晓萱, 袁艳 - 合成生物学, 2024 - synbioj.cip.com.cn
Differentiation of spermatogonial stem cell-like cells from … Spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal
requires OCT4, a factor downregulated during retinoic acid-induced differentiation[J]. …

[HTML][HTML] 干细胞在男性不育领域的应用及展望

唐伟, 胡代星 - 2019 - aammt.tmmu.edu.cn
… Many types of stem cells were used in male infertility, including spermatogonia stem cells (…
(epidermal growth factor, EGF)以及维甲酸(retinoic acid, RA)等.其中GDNF和SCF能促进小鼠精…

[HTML][HTML] 哺乳动物原始卵泡形成与发育的研究进展

阳美霞, 张羽芳, 汤亚茹, 张虹亮, 王水莲 - 畜牧兽医学报, 2020 - html.rhhz.net
… 用视黄酸(retinoic acid, RA)处理E12.5 XX生殖细胞,能激活ERK1/2通路,而ERK1/2信号通路…
后,能显著降低由RA诱导的Stra8,Rec8,Spo11,Dmc1和Sycp3 mRNA表达,表明RA通过刺激ERK1/2…

[PDF][PDF] 中华鳖Gper 基因克隆, 表达及其在精巢中的功能

岑双双, 马晓, 刘倩, 王璐明, 张超, 吴利敏, 刘慧芬… - 水产学报, 1813 - aquaticjournal.com
… Stra8 and its inducer, retinoic acid, regulate meiotic initiation … spermatogonium stem cells
and spermatogonia in both birds … be involved in early gonadal differentiation and regulates the …

大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca) miRNA 研究进展

朱艳, 魏明, 周晓, 邓林华, 仇剑, 李果, 周世强, 谢浩… - 遗传, 2021 - chinagene.cn
… microRNAs in response to retinoic acid-induced spermatogonial differentiation in mice. Biol
… the regulation of spermatogonial differentiation in mice. Biol Reprod, 2012, 86(3): 72. [DOI] …