高温干旱下缩节胺通过调节碳和氨基酸代谢提高Bt 棉杀虫蛋白含量的生理机制

邢羽桐, 滕永康, 吴天凡, 刘媛媛, 陈源, 陈媛… - 中国农业 …, 2023 - chinaagrisci.com
… The transcriptome analysis revealed that there were 7 542 upregulation genes and 10 449
downregulation genes for DPC vs water. The GO and KEGG analysisinsect-resistant cotton. …


唐科志, 周常勇 - 中国农业科学, 2020 - chinaagrisci.com
… alternata tangerine pathotype for 28 h and used for RNA extraction and transcriptome
sequencing. Sequencing results were verified by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). …


滕彩玲, 钟晰, 吴昊娣, 胡燕, 周常勇, 王雪峰 - 中国农业科学, 2020 - chinaagrisci.com
… By comparing the RNA-seq data, 181 and 1 384 genes were … response, starch and sucrose
metabolism, callose synthesis and signal transduction. Comparative transcriptome analysis

黄瓜DIR 家族基因的全基因组鉴定及其表达分析

张开京, 何帅帅, 贾利, 胡玉超, 杨德坤, 陆晓民… - 中国农业 …, 2023 - chinaagrisci.com
transcriptome sequencing big-data of different tissues and under different stresses, transcriptome
sequencing analysis was re-analyzed … in different transcriptome sequencing analysis


史毅, 牛奎举, 马晖玲 - 中国农业科学, 2017 - chinaagrisci.com
… The expression level of random selected DEGs was tested with qRT-PCR, and they were
consistent with the result of RNA-seq analysis. The random selected genes included 12 C2H2 …

绿盲蝽TRPA1 基因的鉴定及功能分析

付婷, 杨婷, 刘杨, 王桂荣 - 中国农业科学, 2015 - chinaagrisci.com
… found according to the results of transcriptome analysis. The full-length sequence of TRPA1
… Study on population dynamics and damage of Lygus lucorum Mayr in transgenic Bt cotton. …

黄萎病菌侵染下陆地棉Dirigent-like 蛋白基因表达差异分析

郭宝生, 师恭曜, 王凯辉, 刘素恩, 赵存鹏, 王兆晓… - 中国农业 …, 2014 - chinaagrisci.com
resistant and susceptible varieties of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in responding to
… using Illumina Hiseq 2000 RNA-Seq transcriptional analysis. Multiple sequence alignment …


王笑, 蔡剑, 周琴, 戴廷波, 姜东 - 中国农业科学, 2021 - chinaagrisci.com
… main physiological mechanisms were discussed, including plant photosynthetic response
mechanism, antioxidant mechanism, and osmotic regulation, signal transduction mechanisms (…

二化螟P 糖蛋白基因的克隆分析及对杀虫剂的诱导响应

孟祥坤, 吴赵露, 杨雪梅, 官道杰, 王建军 - 中国农业科学, 2021 - chinaagrisci.com
… characteristics and expression profiles of CsPgp were analyzed. Transcriptional responses
as well as the potential transcriptional regulation mechanism of CsPgp to two common used …

[HTML][HTML] 三个棉蚜谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GST) 基因克隆及在不同寄主专化型中的表达分析

王传鹏, 张帅, 高雪珂, 雒珺瑜, 朱香镇… - 应用昆虫 …, 2020 - yykcxb.magtechjournal.com
… no transcriptome information is available for the cotton aphid … the molecular mechanisms of
ecological adaption in the cotton … for the exploration of abiotic stress responses. In addition, it …