Chinese Perceptions of Seven Long-Haul Holiday Destinations: Focusing on Activities, Knowledge, and Interest: 中国人就活动、 知识性和趣味性看七个长途度假目的地

D Yun, M Joppe - Journal of China Tourism Research, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
分析中国人对七个长途度假目的地的看法。 结果发现, 在考虑长途度假旅程时 …

Culture-based interpretation of vacation consumption: 度假旅游消费的文化释义

X Fu, XY Lehto, LA Cai - Journal of China Tourism Research, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
本研究基于不同类型的消费价值, 理解并诠释了度假体验中体现出的文化差异。
通过分析中美两国游客的评论, 本研究总结出了关于度假体验的三个特色主题–风景 …

Cultural tourists' satisfaction from a leisure experience perspective: An empirical study in China

Y Xu, H Zhang, L Lu, X Zha - Journal of China Tourism Research, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study aims to examine cultural tourists' leisure experience characteristics and their
relationship with satisfaction. Using a sample of cultural tourists (n= 850) in the Huizhou …

Understanding Chinese cultural tourists: Typology and profile

G Chen, S Huang - Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
This study aims to offer a clear and up-to-date typology and profile of Chinese cultural
tourists in mainland China following the framework based on cultural centrality and depth of …

Destination Attributes and Chinese Outbound Tourism to Europe 目的地特性和中国对欧洲的对外旅游

R Andreu, E Claver, D Quer - Journal of China Tourism Research, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
中国是出境游增长最快的市场之一。 欧洲则是一个对中国游客具吸引力的目的地。 但是,
欧洲却仅占中国出境游市场的很小比重。 如果欧洲的国家想从这个市场授益 …

Chinese Outbound Tourism to the United Kingdom: Issues for Chinese and British Tour Operators: 中国公民到英国旅游—探讨两地旅游经营商面对的问题

N de Sausmarez, H Tao, P McGrath - Journal of China Tourism …, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
本研究探讨自二零零五年英国取得旅游目的地国地位后, 英国和中国旅游经营商的发展关系。
我们收集了二零零六年至二零一一年间两国旅游经营商的实证资料, 结果显示 …

[PDF][PDF] Mainland Chinese tourist behavior and motivations: Evidence from two destinations in Southern Thailand

D Amonhaemanon… - วารสาร วิชาการ การ ท่องเที่ยว …, 2015 -
With more than 70 million Chinese travelers annually, China has recently become the top
outbound tourism of the world. This study, therefore, examine Chinese tourists regarding …

Mainland Chinese pleasure travelers to Australia: a leisure behavior analysis

X Yu, B Weiler - Tourism Culture & Communication, 2001 -
This article reports on an investigation of the leisure travel behavior of Chinese pleasure
travelers to Australia. The study was designed to develop a sociodemographic profile of …

The relevance of profiling travel activities for improving destination marketing strategies

R Law, C Cheung, A Lo - International Journal of Contemporary …, 2004 -
Recent economic progress has led to most Hong Kong residents having a high disposable
income, and hence the high propensity to travel. Although there are many published articles …

Travel motivations of Mainland Chinese Travelers to the United States: 中国内地旅客到访美国的旅游动机

Y Hua, JJE Yoo - Journal of China Tourism Research, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
对美国来说, 中国市场有很大的增长潜力, 特别是两国在二零零七年十二月达成旅游目的地国
协议后。 本研究旨在调查潜在的中国旅客到访美国的旅游动机, 并发现了五个因素 …