相对于余挠对的复形的Tate 上同调收稿日期

陈早红, 杨晓燕 - 西南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021 - xbgjxt.swu.edu.cn
… {Y}$) be a complete and hereditary cotorsion pair in a bicomplete abelian category $\mathscr{A}$.We …
relative and Tate cohomologies of complexes with respect to the cotorsion pairs. …


浠讳紵 - 数学学报, 2022 - actamath.cjoe.ac.cn
… complete cotorsion pairs. Moreover, cotorsion pairs of modules are lifted to T-complexes,
and the equivalences and recollements of homotopy categories of complexes are studied. …


姊佸姏, 鏉ㄥ垰 - 数学学报, 2019 - actamath.cjoe.ac.cn
… that every complex of left R-modules has a #-injective envelope. … complex of left R-modules
has a special Etac(I )-preenvelope, where Etac(I ) is the class of complete acyclic complexes


张平儿, 杨晓燕 - 《 山东大学学报(理学版)》, 2020 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
category and ξ denote some proper class of trianglesꎬ and suppose that we have two complete
hereditary cotorsion pairs (… complete hereditary cotorsion pairꎻ thick classꎻ Hovey triple …

[引用][C] 由Frobenius 对产生的Hovey 三元组

刘硕 - 数学季刊, 2021

线性箭图的Gorenstein AC-表示

孙情, 杨刚 - 《 山东大学学报(理学版)》, 2023 - lxbwk.njournal.sdu.edu.cn
… [4] 刻 画了左rooted箭图上的平坦表示ꎬ并证明了任意表示都存在平坦覆盖与Cotorsion包络
ꎮ … Completeness of the induced cotorsion pairs in categories of quiver representations[ J]. …

[引用][C] Auslander 范畴和自由正规化扩张

谷勤勤, 卓远帆 - 数学季刊, 2021