Hubungan pengetahuan responden dan faktor demografi dengan pernikahan usia dini di Kecamatan Banyumanik Tahun 2016
Early marriage is a marriage performed before 20 years. Early marriage to be related with
health reproduction and demography. In 2006 there were 22% early marriage in
Banyumanik Subdistric, Pudakpayung (27%), Banyumanik (16%), Jabungan (9%),
Tinjomoyo (9%) was the villages with highest number of early marriage.
health reproduction and demography. In 2006 there were 22% early marriage in
Banyumanik Subdistric, Pudakpayung (27%), Banyumanik (16%), Jabungan (9%),
Tinjomoyo (9%) was the villages with highest number of early marriage.