Karakteristik pasien sindrom koroner akut pada pasien rawat inap ruang tulip di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin

M Muhibbah, A Wahid, R Agustina… - Indonesian Journal for …, 2019 - journal.umpo.ac.id
Indonesian Journal for Health Sciences, 2019journal.umpo.ac.id
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is the highest cause of death in the world, in 2015
amounting to 7, 4 million. This disease is estimated to reach 23, 3 million deaths in 2030
(WHO). Acute Coronary Syndrome is a noncommunicable disease in which pathological
changes or abnormalities occur in the coronary artery wall which can cause myocardial
ischemia, Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP) and Acute Myocardial Infarction (IMA) such as
NSTEMI and STEMI. The occurrence of this disease related by several risk factors such as …
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is the highest cause of death in the world, in 2015 amounting to 7, 4 million. This disease is estimated to reach 23, 3 million deaths in 2030 (WHO). Acute Coronary Syndrome is a noncommunicable disease in which pathological changes or abnormalities occur in the coronary artery wall which can cause myocardial ischemia, Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP) and Acute Myocardial Infarction (IMA) such as NSTEMI and STEMI. The occurrence of this disease related by several risk factors such as age, sex, heredity, smoking, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity. Objective: To determine characteristics on patient of SKA on inpatients herat diseasea. This type of research was descriptive observational with cross-sectional design. The number of samples is 51 people who meet the inclusion criteria using accidental sampling technique. based on of 51 people with SKA, hypertension 43 people (84, 31%), dyslipidemia 42 people (82, 35%), the most age was more than 45 years, 41 people (80, 39%), male sex 38 people (74, 51%), smoking 36 people (70, 59%), non DM 35 people (68, 63%), non obesity 35 people (68, 63%) and don’t had a history of 32 people (62, 75%).
Abstrak: Sindrom Koroner Akut (SKA) merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi di dunia, pada tahun 2015 sebesar 7, 4 juta dan diperkirakan akan mencapai 23, 3 juta kematian pada tahun 2030 (WHO). SKA merupakan penyakit tidak menular dimana terjadi perubahan patologis atau kelainan dalam dinding arteri koroner yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya iskemik miokardium, Unstable Angina Pectoris (UAP) serta Infark Miokard Akut (IMA) seperti NSTEMI dan STEMI. Terjadinya penyakit ini berhubungan dengan faktor risiko seperti umur, jenis kelamin, keturunan, merokok, hipertensi, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, dan obesitas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien SKA pada pasien rawat inap penyakit jantung. Jenis penelitian ini observasional deskriptif dengan rancangan crosssectional. Jumlah sampel 51 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Berdasarkan 51 orang penderita SKA menunjukkan hipertensi 43 orang (84, 31%), dyslipidemia 42 orang (82, 35%), usia lebih dari 45 tahun yaitu 41 orang (80, 39%), jenis kelamin lakilaki 38 orang (74, 51%), merokok 36 orang (70, 59%), tidak DM 35 orang (68, 63%), tidak obesitas 35 orang (68, 63%), tidak ada riwayat keturunan 32 orang (62, 75%).
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