Pemberdayaan Kelompok Wanita Tani Mekar Kelurahan Benteng Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang
A Mustanir, M Muhanniah… - Seminar Nasional …, 2022 -
Seminar Nasional Paedagoria, 2022•
The problem faced by the Mekar Women Farmers Group is the lack of organizational
activities so the organization cannot contribute to group members to increase income for
their families. Other problems are administrative and organizational management that are
not orderly and untidy. In addition, members are faced with the problem of very low yields
due to pests on plants and the lack of use of agricultural/plantation methods. The purpose of
implementing this PKMS is to empower the Mekar Women Farmer Group. Empowerment is …
activities so the organization cannot contribute to group members to increase income for
their families. Other problems are administrative and organizational management that are
not orderly and untidy. In addition, members are faced with the problem of very low yields
due to pests on plants and the lack of use of agricultural/plantation methods. The purpose of
implementing this PKMS is to empower the Mekar Women Farmer Group. Empowerment is …
The problem faced by the Mekar Women Farmers Group is the lack of organizational activities so the organization cannot contribute to group members to increase income for their families. Other problems are administrative and organizational management that are not orderly and untidy. In addition, members are faced with the problem of very low yields due to pests on plants and the lack of use of agricultural/plantation methods. The purpose of implementing this PKMS is to empower the Mekar Women Farmer Group. Empowerment is carried out in a participatory manner by making partner groups as implementing subjects. Empowerment is directed to three aspects according to the grouping of problems faced by partners, namely: Administrative Aspects, Organizational Managerial Aspects, and Production Result Aspects. The solutions provided are (1) Organizational administration and management training;(2) Organizational administration and management assistance;(3) Counseling on plant pests and agricultural methods in increasing the production of agricultural/plantation products;(4) Assistance in dealing with plant pests and agricultural methods, especially in increasing the production of agricultural/plantation products. As a result of empowering this group, partners have knowledge, abilities, and administrative skills, partners have work programs for the next 3 years. In addition, the increase in the income of partner group members where partner group members have been able to overcome plant pests that often reduce their economic income.
Abstrak: Permasalahan yang dihadapi Kelompok Wanita Tani Mekar adalah minimnya aktivitas organisasi sehingga organisasi tidak bisa memberikan kontribusi pada anggota kelompok untuk meningkatkan pendapatan bagi keluarga mereka. Permasalahan lainnya administrasi dan manajemen organisasi yang tidak tertib dan tidak rapi. Selain itu anggota diperhadapkan pada permasalahan hasil panen yang sangat rendah akibat dari hama pada tanaman dan minimnya penggunaan metode-metode pertanian/perkebunan. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan PKMS ini adalah memberdayakan Kelompok Wanita Tani Mekar. Pemberdayaan dilakukan secara partisipatif dengan menjadikan kelompok mitra sebagai subjek pelaksana. Pemberdayaan diarahkan kepada tiga bidang aspek sesuai pengelompokkan masalah yang dihadapi mitra yaitu: Bidang Aspek Administrasi, Bidang Aspek Manajerial Organisasi dan Bidang Aspek Hasil Produksi. Solusi yang diberikan:(1) Pelatihan administrasi dan manajemen organisasi;(2) Pendampingan administrasi dan manajemen organisasi;(3) Penyuluhan hama tanaman dan metode-metode pertanian dalam meningkatkan produksi hasil pertanian/perkebunan;(4) Pendampingan dalam menangani hama tanaman dan metode-metode pertanian khususnya dalam meningkatkan produksi hasil pertanian/perkebunan. Hasil dari pemberdayaan kelompok ini, mitra memiliki pengetahuan, kemampuan dan keterampilan administrasi, mitra telah memiliki program kerja sampai dengan 3 tahun kedepan. Selain itu meningkatnya pendapatan anggota kelompok mitra dimana anggota kelompok mitra telah mampu mengatasi hama tanaman yang sering menurunkan pendapatan ekonomi mereka.
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