[PDF][PDF] Personae: a Corpus for Author and Personality Prediction from Text.

K Luyckx, W Daelemans - LREC, 2008 - academia.edu
LREC, 2008academia.edu
Traditional approach Our approach authors small, closed set of authors large number of
authors data lots of data per author limited data results upper-90% exploratory experiments
apps. disputed authorship plagiarism detection unrealistic forensic linguistics realistic
forensic linguistics problem almost solved lot of work to do! forensic linguist C. Chaski”
99.9% sure that x did not write the text (and y did)”
Traditional approach Our approach authors small, closed set of authors large number of authors data lots of data per author limited data results upper-90% exploratory experiments apps. disputed authorship plagiarism detection unrealistic forensic linguistics realistic forensic linguistics problem almost solved lot of work to do! forensic linguist C. Chaski” 99.9% sure that x did not write the text (and y did)”
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