Super D-branes

E Bergshoeff, PK Townsend - Nuclear Physics B, 1997 - Elsevier
We present a manifestly Lorentz invariant, space-time supersymmetric, and ‘κ-invariant’
worldvolume action for all type II Dirichlet p-branes, p ⩽ 9, in a general type II supergravity …

D-branes from M-branes

PK Townsend, PV Landshoff - The World in Eleven Dimensions, 1999 -
… On the one hand they are interpretable as D-branes of type UA string theory. On the other …
We shall first exploit the interpretation of the p =2 super D-brane as a dimensionally reduced D …

Super D-branes from BRST symmetry

L Anguelova, PA Grassi - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003 -
Recently a new formalism has been developed for the covariant quantization of superstrings.
We study properties of Dp-branes and p-branes in this new framework, focusing on two …

Supersymmetric D-branes and calibrations on general 𝒩= 1 backgrounds

L Martucci, P Smyth - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2005 -
… Abstract: We study the conditions to have supersymmetric D-branes on general N = 1
backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. These conditions can be written in terms of the two …

D-branes on general 𝒩= 1 backgrounds: superpotentials and D-terms

L Martucci - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006 -
… Vice-versa, if we start from supersymmetric Dp-branes, then tachyon condensation cannot
give rise to any supersymmetric D(p − 2)-brane configuration wrapping a generalized cycle …

-branes, moduli, and supersymmetry

V Balasubramanian, RG Leigh - Physical Review D, 1997 - APS
… with D-branes and nontrivial antisymmetric tensor moduli and show that turning on these
fields modifies the supersymmetry projections imposed by D-branes. … 33 for the action of super

D-branes in Gepner models and supersymmetry

M Gutperle, Y Satoh - Nuclear Physics B, 1999 - Elsevier
… The wrapping of D-branes on such 'supersymmetric cycles' … In addition, D-branes have
played an important role in recent … We will find what D-branes those algebraically constructed …

D-branes and SQCD in non-critical superstring theory

A Fotopoulos, V Niarchos… - Journal of High Energy …, 2005 -
Using exact boundary conformal field theory methods we analyze the D-brane physics of a
specific four-dimensional non-critical superstring theory which involves the Script N= 2 SL (2)/…

Linear models of supersymmetric D-branes

K Hori - Symplectic geometry and mirror symmetry, 2001 - World Scientific
… of sheaves that has been argued to be the basic elements in supersymmetric D-branes [17]. …
Lagrangian D-branes in toric manifolds. We also find the mirror description of such D-branes

A note on supersymmetric D-brane dynamics

JF Morales, CA Scrucca, M Serone - Physics Letters B, 1998 - Elsevier
… These sources represent in general non-minimal couplings of super D-branes to the bulk
closed string states. In this note we study these next-to-leading effects by using the boundary …