經濟成長, 所得不平等與人口健康: 跨國研究1980-2000

劉介修 - 2008 - tdr.lib.ntu.edu.tw
… Background: Economic growth and income inequality have been regarded as two … Report》即
是在這樣的悠久的傳統中出現.由工黨政府所推動的 Working Groups on Health Inequalities 在…

[PDF][PDF] 政治大學

M Lee - 2011 - nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw
… This also study applies an empirical inquiry on contemporary issues with its real-life context,
… tried to document events and arguments as extensively as possible, relying on the multiple …

北愛爾衝突的解決之道: 制定貝爾法斯特協議

歐名 - 2012 - nhuir.nhu.edu.tw
… Why author took this theme as Thesis Research because before in … And why author took
Northern Ireland as case, everybody … as oppressors and the Protestants view the Catholics as