Weather and climate extreme events in a changing climate
Caption: Table A. 11. 2. Synthesis table summarising assessments presented in Tables 11.4-
11.21 for hot extremes (HOT EXT.), heavy precipitation (HEAVY PRECIP.), agriculture and
ecological droughts (AGR./ECOL. DROUGHT), and hydrological droughts (HYDR.
DROUGHT). It shows the direction of change and level of confidence in the observed trends
(column OBS.), human contribution to observed trends (ATTR.), and projected changes at
1.5 C, 2 C and 4 C of global warming for each AR6 region. Projections are shown for two …
11.21 for hot extremes (HOT EXT.), heavy precipitation (HEAVY PRECIP.), agriculture and
ecological droughts (AGR./ECOL. DROUGHT), and hydrological droughts (HYDR.
DROUGHT). It shows the direction of change and level of confidence in the observed trends
(column OBS.), human contribution to observed trends (ATTR.), and projected changes at
1.5 C, 2 C and 4 C of global warming for each AR6 region. Projections are shown for two …
Caption: Table A. 11. 2. Synthesis table summarising assessments presented in Tables 11.4-11.21 for hot extremes (HOT EXT.), heavy precipitation (HEAVY PRECIP.), agriculture and ecological droughts (AGR./ECOL. DROUGHT), and hydrological droughts (HYDR. DROUGHT). It shows the direction of change and level of confidence in the observed trends (column OBS.), human contribution to observed trends (ATTR.), and projected changes at 1.5 C, 2 C and 4 C of global warming for each AR6 region. Projections are shown for two different baseline periods, 1850-1900 (pre-industrial) and 1995-2014 (modern or recent past)(see section 1.4. 1 for more details). Direction of change is represented by an upward arrow (increase) and a downward arrow (decrease). Level of confidence is reported for LOW: low, MED.: medium, HIGH: high; levels of likelihood (only in cases of high confidence) include: L: likely, VL: very likely, EL: extremely likely, VC: virtual certain. See section 11.9, Tables 11.4-11.21 for details. Dark orange shading highlights high confidence (also including likely, very likely, extremely likely and virtually certain changes) increases in hot temperature extremes, agricultural and ecological drought, or hydrological droughts. Light orange indicates medium confidence increases in these extremes, and blue shadings indicate decreases in these extremes. High confidence increases in heavy precipitation are highlighted in dark blue, while medium confidence increases are highlighted in light blue. No assessment for changes in drought with respect to the 1995-2014 baseline is provided, which is why the respective cells are empty.
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