Some basic results on canonical modules

Y Aoyama - Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 1983 -
… We prove that the trivial extension A ›<T is a quasi-Gorenstein ring if and … -Gorenstein rings
under flat base change. In section 3 we study the endomorphism ring of a canonical module. …

The trace of the canonical module

J Herzog, T Hibi, DI Stamate - Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2019 - Springer
… We study the canonical trace for tensor products and Segre … Gorenstein Hibi rings. We study
connections between the class of nearly Gorenstein rings and that of almost Gorenstein rings

Trace ideals of canonical modules, annihilators of Ext modules, and classes of rings close to being Gorenstein

H Dao, T Kobayashi, R Takahashi - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021 - Elsevier
… is given for type 2 rings. We also introduce the class of weakly almost Gorenstein rings
using the canonical module, and show that they are almost Gorenstein rings in dimension one, …

On the endomorphism ring of the canonical module

Y Aoyama, S Goto - J. Math. Kyoto Univ, 1985 - Springer
… For elementary properties of the canonical module, we refer the reader to[4, §6J, [5, 5 …
Gorenstein ring, R has the canonical module C and it is well known that C is the canonical module

Trace of canonical modules, annihilator of Ext, and classes of rings close to being Gorenstein

H Dao, T Kobayashi, R Takahashi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.02263, 2020 -
… given for type 2 rings. We also introduce the class of weakly almost Gorenstein rings using
the canonical module, and show that they are almost Gorenstein rings in dimension one, and …

Families of Gorenstein and almost Gorenstein rings

V Barucci, M D'Anna, F Strazzanti - Arkiv för Matematik, 2016 - Springer
… Let (R, m) be a local one-dimensional Cohen–Macaulay ring. We say that R is an almost
Gorenstein ring if it has a canonical module ωR which is isomorphic to a fractional ideal of R …

Totally reflexive modules over rings that are close to Gorenstein

AR Kustin, A Vraciu - Journal of Algebra, 2021 - Elsevier
… totally reflexive R-modules. Over a Gorenstein ring, the totally reflexive modules are precisely
… maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules; hence, in particular, every singular Gorenstein local …

Duality, Canonical Modules, and Gorenstein Rings

D Eisenbud, D Eisenbud - Commutative Algebra: with a View Toward …, 1995 - Springer
… local theory of the canonical module over a Cohen-Macaulay ring, and in particular we shall
study local Gorenstein rings-those local rings for which the canonical module is free. What …

Homotopy theory of modules and Gorenstein rings

A Beligiannis - Mathematica Scandinavica, 2001 - JSTOR
… group algebra (which is a QF-ring), … module cat egories Mod(A) and Mod(A) of a ring A
from the point of view of modern algebraic homotopy theory. This is possible if the stable module

[引用][C] Gorenstein rings and modules with high numbers of generators

B Ulrich - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1984 - Springer
… , by r(R) the Gorenstein type (in case R is Cohen-Macaulay), by Quot(R) the total ring of
quotients, and by o R the canonical module of R (provided the canonical module exists). …