On Gorenstein Projective and Gorenstein Flat Modules

CG Smith - 2011 - digitalcommons.georgiasouthern …
… having finite Gorenstein flat dimension is equivalent to M having finite Gorenstein projective
dimension. … Noetherian rings of finite Krull dimension, every Gorenstein flat module has finite …

[PDF][PDF] Model structures and relative Gorenstein flat modules

S Estrada, A Iacob, MA Pérez - arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.00658, 2017 - researchgate.net
… We obtain the Gorenstein flat model structure on the category … from the same Gorenstein
flat model structure obtained by … F is a Gorenstein flat complex with finite flat dimension ≤ 2. …

Gorenstein flat modules relative to injectively resolving subcategories

Z Gao, W Wu - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2022 - World Scientific
… Then we define a resolution dimension GFE -dim(−) relative to the E-Gorenstein flat modules,
and give a criterion for computing the GFE -dim(−) dimension of modules in ModR. For any …


F MENG - 数学杂志, 2017 - sxzz.whu.edu.cn
… relationship of Gorenstein flat (cotorsion) dimensions between … relationship of Gorenstein
cotorsion dimensions between $A… We will say that $M$ has Gorenstein flat dimension less than …

Gorenstein homological dimensions of modules over triangular matrix rings

R Zhu, Z Liu, Z Wang - Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 2016 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
… In the following we want to characterize the Gorenstein flat dimension of a module over
triangular matrix rings. Using a similar way as we do in the proof of Theorem 2.5, we have the …

Gorenstein projective dimensions of complexes

ZK Liu, CX Zhang - Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2011 - Springer
Gorenstein projectivity of a complex C and Gorenstein projectivity of all R-modules Cm , m
∈ Z. If R is an n-Gorenstein … projective dimension over a right coherent left perfect ring R, we …

Gorenstein dimensions of unbounded complexes and faithfully flat change of base (With an appendix by Driss Bennis)

LW Christensen, F Koksal, L Liang - arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.01120, 2015 - arxiv.org
Gorenstein injective dimension was treated by Asadollahi and Salarian [1]. Inspired by [21],
we propose a definition of Gorenstein flat dimension … of Gorenstein homological dimensions

Homological dimension based on a class of Gorenstein modules and recollement situations

W Chen - projecteuclid.org
… In this paper, we discuss the finiteness of the left global Gorenstein (L,A)-projective
dimensions and the left global projectively coresolved Gorenstein flat dimensions of rings by …

The stable category of Gorenstein flat sheaves on a Noetherian scheme

L Christensen, S Estrada, P Thompson - Proceedings of the American …, 2021 - ams.org
Gorenstein flat quasi-coherent sheaves is Frobenius and a natural non-affine analogue of the
category of Gorenstein … Thus N (U) is a Gorenstein flat OX(U)module of finite flat dimension

A note on Gorenstein projective modules

D Wu - Communications in Algebra, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
… a Gorenstein projective left R-module, then E x t R i ≥ 1 ( M , F ) = 0 for any left R-module F
with finite flat dimension… R-module F with finite flat dimension, then M is Gorenstein projective. …