Nest-site habitat and hatching success of gulls

KC Parsons - Colonial Waterbirds, 1982 - JSTOR
… I tagged and followed through hatching nests located 1) in open meadows, 2) under leafed-out
vegetation, and 3) under vegetation either not leafed-out or dead. On Clark's Island, gulls …

Nesting ecology and hatching success in the turtle Emydoidea blandingi

JD Congdon, DW Tinkle, GL Breitenbach… - Herpetologica, 1983 - JSTOR
Nests located greater distances from water should have lower predation rates. (2) Nests located
… (3) Females that nest early in the nesting season should have lower egg mortality due to …

Influence of nest location and yolkless eggs on the hatching success of leatherback turtle clutches in French Guiana

S Caut, E Guirlet, P Jouquet… - Canadian Journal of …, 2006 -
… was conducted to quantify the relationships between hatching success and (i) the nest-site …
that hatching success on this beach was very low (38.2%). This study illustrates that nest-site …

Nest site location and nest success in the hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata in Barbados, West Indies

JA Horrocks, NMA Scott - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1991 - JSTOR
… This suggests that the lower hatching success observed in nests above and below mean
elevation results primarily from a higher percentage of undeveloped eggs in such …

Nest-site selection and hatching success of waterbirds in coastal Virginia: some results of habitat manipulation

RA Rounds, RM Erwin, JH Porter - Journal of Field Ornithology, 2004 - BioOne
… When all nests were considered, Common Tern nests were located significantly lower than
were random point elevations at two sites, as they tended to concentrate on low-lying wrack. …

Impact of nest‐site selection on nest success and nest temperature in natural and disturbed habitats

JJ Kolbe, FJ Janzen - Ecology, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
located close to vegetation because of lower nest temperatures due to shade (Wilson 1998).
Hatching success … influenced by microhabitat characteristics or nest location in this study, …

Determinants of hatching success in diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin

J Burger - American Midland Naturalist, 1977 - JSTOR
… I located some unmarked nests at the time of hatching, and in 20 of these nests the matching
rate was 73%, thus digging up nests did not appear to affect the hatching rate. During each …

Nesting activity and hatching success of the painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) in southwestern Quebec

E Christens, JR Bider - Herpetologica, 1987 - JSTOR
… of nesting turtles, as well as hatching success of eggs, are presented. The objectives were to
determine (1) if the start of the nestingnests were located by tracking the turtles to their nest

Climate change implications for the nest site selection process and subsequent hatching success of a green turtle population

KC Santos, M Livesey, M Fish, AC Lorences - Mitigation and adaptation …, 2017 - Springer
… How nesters choose sites, their capacity to shift locations in response to changing conditions…
at the time of nesting were significantly correlated to hatching success and females selected …

Nest orientation and hatching success of Black Kites Milvus migrans in Spain

J VIÑUELA, C SUNYER - Ibis, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
nest orientation and hatching success showed that success was lower among the nests located
… For the analyses of hatching success we only considered nests in which eggs were laid. …