Holomorphic curves for Legendrian surgery

T Ekholm - arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.07228, 2019 - arxiv.org
Let $ X $ be a Weinstein manifold with ideal contact boundary $ Y $. If $\Lambda\subset Y $
is a link of Legendrian spheres in $ Y $ then by attaching Weinstein handles to $ X $ along …

Duality between Lagrangian and Legendrian invariants

T Ekholm, Y Lekili - Geometry & Topology, 2023 - msp.org
Consider a pair (X, L) of a Weinstein manifold X with an exact Lagrangian submanifold L,
with ideal contact boundary (Y, Λ), where Y is a contact manifold and Λ⊂ Y is a Legendrian …

Chekanov-Eliashberg dg-algebras for singular Legendrians

J Asplund, T Ekholm - arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.04858, 2021 - arxiv.org
The Chekanov-Eliashberg dg-algebra is a holomorphic curve invariant associated to
Legendrian submanifolds of a contact manifold. We extend the definition to Legendrian …

Legendrian ambient surgery and Legendrian contact homology

GD Rizell - arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.5544, 2012 - arxiv.org
Let $ L\subset Y $ be a Legendrian submanifold of a contact manifold, $ S\subset L $ a
framed embedded sphere bounding an isotropic disc $ D_S\subset Y\setminus L $, and use …

Simplifying Weinstein Morse functions

O Lazarev - Geometry & Topology, 2020 - msp.org
We prove that the minimum number of critical points of a Weinstein Morse function on a
Weinstein domain of dimension at least six is at most two more than the minimum number of …

Sheaves via augmentations of Legendrian surfaces

D Rutherford, M Sullivan - Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, 2021 - Springer
Given an augmentation for a Legendrian surface in a 1-jet space, Λ ⊂ J^ 1 (M) Λ⊂ J 1 (M),
we explicitly construct an object, F ∈ Sh^ ∙ _ Λ (M * R, K) F∈ Sh Λ∙(M× R, K), of the (derived) …

Orientations in Legendrian contact homology and exact Lagrangian immersions

T Ekholm, J Etnyre, M Sullivan - International Journal of …, 2005 - World Scientific
We show how to orient moduli spaces of holomorphic disks with boundary on an exact
Lagrangian immersion of a spin manifold into complex n-space in a coherent manner. This …

Non-loose Legendrian spheres with trivial contact homology DGA

T Ekholm - Journal of Topology, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Loose Legendrian-submanifolds,, were introduced by Murphy ('Loose Legendrian
embeddings in high dimensional contact manifolds', Preprint, 2012, arXiv: 1201.2245) and …

Legendrian knots and exact Lagrangian cobordisms.

T Ekholm, K Honda, T Kálmán - Journal of the European Mathematical …, 2016 - ems.press
We introduce constructions of exact Lagrangian cobordisms with cylindrical Legendrian
ends and study their invariants which arise from Symplectic Field Theory. A pair (X, L) …

Functors and computations in Floer homology with applications, I

C Viterbo - Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA, 1999 - Springer
This paper is concerned with Floer cohomology of manifolds with contact type boundary. In
this case, there is no conjecture on this ring, as opposed to the compact case, where it is …