New Ideas About Old Age Security: Toward Sustainable Pension Systems in the Twenty-First Century

RV Burkhauser - 2002 - JSTOR
A sea change has occurred in the policy debate over old-age social security systems in the
United States and throughout the world. For most of the twentieth century traditional public …

Innovations in Protecting the Old: Mostly Social Insurance and Some Assets

T Ghilarducci - The Welfare State Revisited, 2018 -
The risk of being poor or near-poor in old age is growing for the first time in two generations
because the American pension system has failed. The American system evolved into a …

Old Age Pensions Under Social Security: Past and Future

RF Tomasson - American Behavioral Scientist, 1983 -
One of the more modest programs of the 1935 Social Security Act was to provide pensions
for the elderly, a function generally neglected by the private sector. To what was originally …

Income protection for the aged in the 21st century: A framework to help inform the debate

PM Wheeler, JR Kearney - Soc. Sec. Bull., 1996 - HeinOnline
The advent of industrialization in Europe and the United States during the latter part of the
19th century brought with it mass migrations to urban centers and the decline of the family as …

A Review of Tito Boeri, Lans Bovenberg, Benoît Coeuré, and Andrew Roberts's Dealing with the New Giants and Peter J. Orszag, Mark Iwry, and William G. Gale's …

OS Mitchell - Journal of Economic Literature, 2008 -
Global aging will impose greater economic demands on the young and may entail dramatic
consumption shortfalls for the old. Against this gloomy backdrop, many analysts hail the …

Retirement income security in the United Kingdom

L Liu - Soc. Sec. Bull., 1999 - HeinOnline
The impetus for Social Security reform in the United States has been gathering momentum
over the past several years, fueled primarily by the projected long-term actuarial imbalance …

[图书][B] International perspectives on social security reform

RG Penner - 2007 -
The aging of America's population makes it imperative that we reform Social Security, but so
far we have failed. To instruct this seemingly endless quest, International Perspectives on …

Reforming social security: A welfare analysis

RA Pecchenino - Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis …, 1998 -
The US Social Security System was conceived as a means to ensure a minimum standard of
living for the elderly, and it has done so. Poverty rates among the old have dropped, and …

Supplemental transition accounts for retirement: A proposal to increase retirement income security and reform social security

G Koenig, JJ Fichtner, WG Gale - Public Policy & Aging Report, 2018 -
Social Security is arguably the most successful federal program in US history. The program
has substantially reduced senior poverty, enabled millions of older Americans to live …

US social security at 75 years: an international perspective

DD Hoskins - Soc. Sec. Bull., 2010 - HeinOnline
Is the historical development of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)
program unique or similar to the development of social security programs in other …