RD-phantom and RD-Ext-phantom Morphisms

L Mao - Filomat, 2018 - doiserbia.nb.rs
A morphism f of left R-modules is called an RD-phantom morphism if the induced morphism
Tor1 (R= aR, f)= 0 for any a R. Similarly, a morphism g of left R-modules is said to be an …

Precovers and preenvelopes by phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Communications in Algebra, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
A morphism f: M→ N of left R-modules is called a phantom morphism if the induced
morphism for every (finitely presented) right R-module A. Similarly, a morphism g: M→ N of …

Higher phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2018 - World Scientific
A morphism f: M→ N of left R-modules is called an n-phantom morphism if the induced
morphism Tor n R (A, f)= 0 for every (finitely presented) right R-module A. Analogously, a …

Higher phantom morphisms with respect to a subfunctor of Ext

L Mao - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2019 - Springer
A morphism f: M→ N f:M→N of left R-modules is called an n-phantom morphism (resp. a Tor
n-epimorphism) if the induced morphism Tor n (A, f)= 0 (resp. Tor n (A, f) is an epimorphism) …

Resolutions and dimensions of relative injective modules and relative flat modules

Y Zeng, J Chen - 대한수학회보, 2013 - dbpia.co.kr
Let m and n be fixed positive integers and M a right R-module. Recall that M is said to be (m,
n)-injective if Ext1 (P, M)= 0 for any (m, n)-presented right R-module P; M is said to be (m, n) …

Neat-phantom and clean-cophantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
Let ℱ 𝒫∞ R be the class of all left R-modules M which has a projective resolution by finitely
generated projectives. An exact sequence 0→ A→ B→ C→ 0 of right R-modules is called …

Finitely phantom morphisms and finitely split epimorphisms

L Mao - Colloquium Mathematicum, 2020 - impan.pl
Let $ R $ be a ring. A morphism $\alpha: X\rightarrow Y $ of left $ R $-modules is called a
finitely phantom morphism if for each morphism ${\beta: F\rightarrow X} $ with $ F $ finitely …

On --flat modules and -von Neumann regular rings

N Mahdou, EH Oubouhou - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2024 - World Scientific
Let R be a commutative ring with a nonzero identity and M an R-module. Set ϕ-tor (M)={x∈
M| sx= 0 for some s∈ R\Nil (R)}, if ϕ-tor (M)= M then M is called a ϕ-torsion module. An R …

On n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom Morphisms

K Lan, B Lu - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - JSTOR
This paper extends many conclusions based on phantom envelopes and Ext-phantom
covers of modules, and we find that many important properties still hold after replacing …

Remarks on fp-Injective and fp-Flat Modules

L Mao - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2011 - Springer
Abstract A left R-module M is said to be fp-injective if, for every monomorphism K→ L with K
and L finitely presented left R-modules, Hom (L, M)→ Hom (K, M) is an epimorphism. A right …