Inter-genotypic differences in drought tolerance of maritime pine are modified by elevated [CO2]

D Sánchez-Gómez, JA Mancha, MT Cervera… - Annals of …, 2017 -
Abstract Background and Aims Despite the importance of growth [CO2] and water
availability for tree growth and survival, little information is available on how the interplay of …

Functional phenotypic plasticity mediated by water stress and [CO2] explains differences in drought tolerance of two phylogenetically close conifers

M Férriz, D Martin-Benito… - Tree …, 2023 -
Forests are threatened globally by increased recurrence and intensity of hot droughts.
Functionally close coexisting species may exhibit differences in drought vulnerability large …

The importance of intraspecific variation in tree responses to elevated [CO2]: breeding and management of future forests

EA Ainsworth - Tree physiology, 2016 -
Forests cover 31% of the terrestrial surface of the Earth (Keenan et al. 2015) and provide
myriad ecosystem services including climate regulation, carbon and nutrient storage, water …

Contrasting physiological strategies explain heterogeneous responses to severe drought conditions within local populations of a widespread conifer

C Depardieu, P Lenz, J Marion, S Nadeau… - Science of the Total …, 2024 - Elsevier
Understanding how trees prioritize carbon gain at the cost of drought vulnerability under
severe drought conditions is crucial for predicting which genetic groups and individuals will …

Drought-induced mortality selectively affects Scots pine trees that show limited intrinsic water-use efficiency responsiveness to raising atmospheric CO2

AM Hereş, J Voltas, BC López… - Functional Plant …, 2013 - CSIRO Publishing
Widespread drought-induced tree mortality has been documented around the world, and
could increase in frequency and intensity under warmer and drier conditions …

Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and soil drought on growth and transpiration efficiency and its determinants in two European forest tree species

JM Guehl, C Picon, G Aussenac, P Gross - Tree Physiology, 1994 -
The responses of growth and transpiration efficiency (W= biomass accumulation/water
consumption) to ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μmol …

Drought × CO2 interactions in trees: a test of the low‐intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) mechanism

JWG Kelly, RA Duursma, BJ Atwell, DT Tissue… - New …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Models of tree responses to climate typically project that elevated atmospheric CO 2
concentration (eC a) will reduce drought impacts on forests. We tested one of the …

Hot drought reduces the effects of elevated CO2 on tree water‐use efficiency and carbon metabolism

B Birami, T Nägele, M Gattmann, Y Preisler… - New …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Trees are increasingly exposed to hot droughts due to CO2‐induced climate change.
However, the direct role of [CO2] in altering tree physiological responses to drought and …

Carbon isotopic composition, gas exchange, and growth of three populations of ponderosa pine differing in drought tolerance

JW Zhang, Z Feng, BM Cregg, CM Schumann - Tree physiology, 1997 -
Abstract Effects of water supply on gas exchange, carbon isotopic composition, and relative
growth rate were compared among seedlings from three populations of ponderosa pine …

Limited mitigating effects of elevated CO2 in young aspen trees to face drought stress

F Lauriks, RL Salomón, L De Roo… - Environmental and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentration (eCO 2) is expected to mitigate the adverse
effects of moderate drought on leaf and whole-tree functioning. However, tree responses to …