Optimal neural population coding of an auditory spatial cue

NS Harper, D McAlpine - Nature, 2004 - nature.com
A sound, depending on the position of its source, can take more time to reach one ear than
the other. This interaural (between the ears) time difference (ITD) provides a major cue for …

[HTML][HTML] A neuronal population code for sound localization

DC Fitzpatrick, R Batra, TR Stanford, S Kuwada - Nature, 1997 - nature.com
The accuracy with which listeners can locate sounds is much greater than the spatial
sensitivity of single neurons,,. The broad spatial tuning of auditory neurons indicates that a …

Maps of interaural time difference in the chicken's brainstem nucleus laminaris

C Köppl, CE Carr - Biological cybernetics, 2008 - Springer
Animals, including humans, use interaural time differences (ITDs) that arise from different
sound path lengths to the two ears as a cue of horizontal sound source location. The nature …

Efficient auditory coding

EC Smith, MS Lewicki - Nature, 2006 - nature.com
The auditory neural code must serve a wide range of auditory tasks that require great
sensitivity in time and frequency and be effective over the diverse array of sounds present in …

Neural population coding of sound level adapts to stimulus statistics

I Dean, NS Harper, D McAlpine - Nature neuroscience, 2005 - nature.com
Mammals can hear sounds extending over a vast range of sound levels with remarkable
accuracy. How auditory neurons code sound level over such a range is unclear; firing rates …

Distinct timescales of population coding across cortex

CA Runyan, E Piasini, S Panzeri, CD Harvey - Nature, 2017 - nature.com
The cortex represents information across widely varying timescales,,,,. For instance, sensory
cortex encodes stimuli that fluctuate over few tens of milliseconds,, whereas in association …

Efficient coding of natural sounds

MS Lewicki - Nature neuroscience, 2002 - nature.com
The auditory system encodes sound by decomposing the amplitude signal arriving at the ear
into multiple frequency bands whose center frequencies and bandwidths are approximately …

Primary cortical representation of sounds by the coordination of action-potential timing

RC Decharms, MM Merzenich - Nature, 1996 - nature.com
CORTICAL population coding could in principle rely on either the mean rate of neuronal
action potentials, or the relative timing of action potentials, or both. When a single sensory …

Responses of auditory-cortex neurons to structural features of natural sounds

I Nelken, Y Rotman, OB Yosef - Nature, 1999 - nature.com
Sound-processing strategies that use the highly non-random structure of natural sounds
may confer evolutionary advantage to many species. Auditory processing of natural sounds …

Evolutionary convergence and shared computational principles in the auditory system

CE Carr, D Soares - Brain Behavior and Evolution, 2002 - karger.com
Precise temporal coding is a hallmark of the auditory system. Selective pressures to improve
accuracy or encode more rapid changes have produced a suite of convergent physiological …