Higher phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2018 - World Scientific
A morphism f: M→ N of left R-modules is called an n-phantom morphism if the induced
morphism Tor n R (A, f)= 0 for every (finitely presented) right R-module A. Analogously, a …

Higher phantom morphisms with respect to a subfunctor of Ext

L Mao - Algebras and Representation Theory, 2019 - Springer
A morphism f: M→ N f:M→N of left R-modules is called an n-phantom morphism (resp. a Tor
n-epimorphism) if the induced morphism Tor n (A, f)= 0 (resp. Tor n (A, f) is an epimorphism) …

Precovers and preenvelopes by phantom and Ext-phantom morphisms

L Mao - Communications in Algebra, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
A morphism f: M→ N of left R-modules is called a phantom morphism if the induced
morphism for every (finitely presented) right R-module A. Similarly, a morphism g: M→ N of …

Neat-phantom and clean-cophantom morphisms

L Mao - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2021 - World Scientific
Let ℱ 𝒫∞ R be the class of all left R-modules M which has a projective resolution by finitely
generated projectives. An exact sequence 0→ A→ B→ C→ 0 of right R-modules is called …

On n-phantom and n-Ext-phantom Morphisms

K Lan, B Lu - Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2021 - JSTOR
This paper extends many conclusions based on phantom envelopes and Ext-phantom
covers of modules, and we find that many important properties still hold after replacing …

Ascent of module structures, vanishing of Ext, and extended modules

A Frankild, S Sather-Wagstaff… - Michigan Mathematical …, 2008 - projecteuclid.org
Suppose (R, m) and (S, n) are commutative Noetherian local rings and ϕ: R→ S is a flat
local homomorphism with the property that the induced homomorphism R/m→ S/mS is …

Quasi-small P-injective Modules

S Wongwai - Progress in Applied Science and Technology, 2011 - ph02.tci-thaijo.org
Quasi-small P-injective Modules | Progress in Applied Science and Technology Main
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Relatively free modules on ring extensions

S Guo, X Wang, Z Yi - Communications in Algebra, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
A ring extension is a ring homomorphism preserving identities. In this paper, we give the
definition of relatively free modules on ring extensions and develop some basic properties of …

Neat-flat modules

E Büyükaşık, Y Durğun - Communications in Algebra, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a ring. A right R-module M is said to be neat-flat if the kernel of any epimorphism
Y→ M is neat in Y, ie, the induced map Hom (S, Y)→ Hom (S, M) is surjective for any simple …

[PDF][PDF] A general form of pseudo-p-injectivity

S Baupradist, HD Hai, NV Sanh - Southeast Asian Bull. Math, 2011 - researchgate.net
In this paper, we introduce a general form of pseudo-p-injectivity. Let be a right-module
and=(), its endomorphism ring. A right-module is called a generalized-pseudo-Mp-injective …