co-Hopfian Modules

FC Leary - arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09961, 2022 -
If $ R $ is a ring with 1, we call a unital left $ R $-module $ M $ co-Hopfian (Hopfian) in the
category of left $ R $-modules if any monic (epic) endomorphism of $ M $ is an …

Flatness and injectivity of simple modules over a commutative ring

J Xu - Communications in Algebra, 1991 - Taylor & Francis
In this short paper, the homological functors are used to show that a simple module is flat if
and only if it is injective. It is used to give a characterization of Von Neumann regular ring …

Distributing tensor product over direct product

KR Goodearl - Pacific J. Math, 1972 -
THEOREM L (a) A right R-module A is finitely generated if and only if for any collection {Ca}
of left R-modules, the natural map A (x) ΠCa-+ Π (A® Ca) is surjective.(b) A right R-module A …

On Coxeter functors over tensor rings with duality conditions

W ZIMMERMANN - Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 1990 -
Two pairs of functors play an outstanding role in the representation theory of finite-
dimensional tensor algebras: The Coxeter functors C^{+} and C^{-} and the functors DTr and …

Covers, preenvelopes, and purity

H Holm, P Jorgensen - arXiv preprint math/0611603, 2006 -
We show that if a class of modules is closed under pure quotients, then it is precovering if
and only if it is covering, and this happens if and only if it is closed under direct sums. This is …

[PDF][PDF] Codivisible modules, weakly-codivisible modules and strongly η-projevtive modules

M Sato - Tsukuba journal of mathematics, 1980 -
In [1], PE Bland has studied the strongly M-projective module and the strongly M-projective
cover. As their generalnotions, we define the strongly $\eta $-projective module and the …

On the depth and reflexivity of tensor products

O Celikbas, U Le, H Matsui - Journal of Algebra, 2022 - Elsevier
In this paper we study the depth of tensor products of homologically finite complexes over
commutative Noetherian local rings. As an application of our main result, we determine new …

[HTML][HTML] Grothendieck categories of enriched functors

H Al Hwaeer, G Garkusha - Journal of Algebra, 2016 - Elsevier
It is shown that the category of enriched functors [C, V] is Grothendieck whenever V is a
closed symmetric monoidal Grothendieck category and C is a category enriched over V …

Tensor products of ideal systems and their modules

KE Aubert, I Fleischer - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1978 -
Tensor products of ideal systems and their modules Page 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics

Comultiplication modules relative to a hereditary torsion theory

S Çeken - Communications in Algebra, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a commutative ring with identity and τ be a hereditary torsion theory on R-Mod. In
this article, we introduce and study the concept of τ-comultiplication module. We present …