Controlled evaluation of an optimization approach to mental health and sport performance

B Donohue, Y Gavrilova… - Journal of Clinical …, 2018 -
Athletes experience unique stressors that have been indicated to compromise their mental
wellness and sport performance, yet they underutilize mental health services. Indeed, very …

Using physical exercises to improve mental health

M Stănescu, L Vasile - Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
In recent years there has been an increased interest in the impact of physical exercises on
the wellbeing of people with mental health problems and the prevention of mental disorders …

ISSP position stand: Social missions through sport and exercise psychology

RJ Schinke, NR Stambulova, R Lidor… - … Journal of Sport and …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Sport psychology is expanding in how it might be utilised to benefit human activity and social
life. Performance enhancement remains central to the field; however, there is growing …

Mental health in sport: coaches' views of their role and efficacy in supporting young people's mental health

KR Mazzer, DJ Rickwood - International Journal of Health …, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
This study aimed to investigate coaches' awareness of mental health in youth sport, as well
as their perceived role breadth and ability to support young people's mental health …

[图书][B] Psychology of physical activity and exercise.

S Biddle, N Mutrie - 1991 -
The apparent benefits of physical activity were recognized by some of the earliest
civilizations, yet only relatively recently has the complex interaction between physical …

Exercise and mental health: It's just not psychology!

G Faulkner, S Biddle - Journal of sports sciences, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
Exercise has been suggested as an effective adjunctive treatment for a range of mental
health conditions. In this study, we explored the perceptions of exercise held by course …

[HTML][HTML] Qualitative evaluation of a football intervention for people with mental health problems in the north east of London

B Friedrich, OJ Mason - Mental Health and Physical Activity, 2018 - Elsevier
In recent years, football has seen increasing popularity as an adjunct intervention for people
with mental health problems, aiming at improving their physical and emotional health as well …

The contribution of play and sports to emotional health

EMC Layman - … aspects of physical education and sport, 2015 -
Since the 1908 publication of Clifford Beers' epoch-making book, The Mind that found Itself
various terms have been used as designations for that state of psychological well-being …

Family contributions to sport performance and their utility in predicting appropriate referrals to mental health optimization programmes

JE Hussey, B Donohue, KA Barchard… - European journal of …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Limited research has examined the contributions of sport-specific family relationship
problems to athlete mental health. In the current study we examined the extent to which …

The relationship between sports and mental health: literature analysis and empirical study

IB Endrawan, H Aliriad, R Apriyanto… - Health Education …, 2023 -
Aims The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between exercise and mental
health and provide insights and problem-solving plans regarding this relationship …