Effective two-dimensional Hamiltonian at surfaces

F Guinea, C Tejedor, F Flores, E Louis - Physical Review B, 1983 - APS
By means of decimation techniques as applied in the renormalization-group method, a new
method is proposed to obtain the effective interactions for two-dimensional Hamiltonians at …

Theory of inhomogeneous quantum systems. IV. Variational calculations of metal surfaces

E Krotscheck, W Kohn, GX Qian - Physical Review B, 1985 - APS
We present results of variational calculations for the jellium model of metal surfaces. The
ground-state wave function is represented by a product of local one-and two-body functions …

Structural phase diagrams for the surface of a solid: a total-energy, renormalization-group approach

J Ihm, DH Lee, JD Joannopoulos, JJ Xiong - Physical review letters, 1983 - APS
Total-energy calculations based on microscopic electronic structure are combined with
position-space renormalization-group calculations to predict the structural phase transitions …

Application of the renormalization group technique to the problem of phase transition in one-dimensional metallic systems. I. Invariant couplings, vertex, and one …

N Menyhárd, J Sólyom - Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 1973 - Springer
A one-dimensional system of electrons interacting via a BCS-type interaction is investigated
by renormalization group techniques in two successive approximations at T= 0, keeping only …

Surfaces of real metals by the variational self-consistent method

R Monnier, JP Perdew - Physical Review B, 1978 - APS
We present a self-consistent calculation of the ground state of the metallic planar surface in
which the discrete-lattice perturbation δ v (r→) is treated variationally, with use of a single …

A subroutine package for computing Green's functions of relaxed surfaces by the renormalization method

J Henk, W Schattke - Computer physics communications, 1993 - Elsevier
We present a subroutine package for the computation of Green's functions of relaxed
surfaces and the bulk within the framework of a tight-binding basis. The application of a …

Electronic states at unrelaxed and relaxed GaAs (110) surfaces

EJ Mele, JD Joannopoulos - Physical Review B, 1978 - APS
We have shown that, using a general class of Hamiltonians, the transfer-matrix technique
may be used to obtain exact solutions for the electronic states at any crystal surface …

Lattice relaxation at a metal surface

RP Gupta - Physical Review B, 1981 - APS
It is shown that all interatomic potentials of the classical type—Morse, Lennard-Jones, etc.,—
yield, by their very nature, an expansion of the interlayer separation between the topmost …

Self-consistent pseudopotential calculations on Si (111) unreconstructed and (2× 1) reconstructed surfaces

M Schlüter, JR Chelikowsky, SG Louie, ML Cohen - Physical Review Letters, 1975 - APS
A recently developed method for the self-consistent calculation of localized configurations
has been applied to the Si (111) surface. Results have been obtained for unrelaxed …

Simple scheme for surface-band calculations. II. The Green's function

DH Lee, JD Joannopoulos - Physical Review B, 1981 - APS
We present a very simple scheme for calculating the Green's function of a semi-infinite
surface system described within a localized orbital basis. By generating a series of matching …