Term-structure forecasts of interest rates, inflation and real returns

EF Fama - Journal of Monetary Economics, 1990 - Elsevier
The one-year expected inflation rate and the expected real return on one-year bonds move
opposite one another. The result is that the term structure shows little power to forecast near …

The information in the longer maturity term structure about future inflation

FS Mishkin - The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1990 - academic.oup.com
Recent research has begun to examine what information the term structure of interest rates
contains about future inflation. Mishkin [1990] examines the term structure for US Treasury …

What does the term structure tell us about future inflation?

FS Mishkin - Journal of monetary economics, 1990 - Elsevier
This empirical analysis indicates that for maturities of six months or less, the term structure of
nominal interest rates provides almost no information about the future path of inflation but …

A multicountry comparison of term-structure forecasts at long horizons

P Jorion, F Mishkin - Journal of Financial Economics, 1991 - Elsevier
This paper extends previous work on the information in the US term structure at longer
maturities to Britain, West Germany, and Switzerland. We find strong evidence that the term …

Forecasting interest rates

G Duffee - Handbook of economic forecasting, 2013 - Elsevier
This chapter discusses what the asset-pricing literature concludes about the forecastability
of interest rates. It outlines forecasting methodologies implied by this literature, including …

Term structures of inflation expectations and real interest rates

S Borağan Aruoba - Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
I use a statistical model to combine various surveys to produce a term structure of inflation
expectations—inflation expectations at any horizon—and an associated term structure of …

The predictive power of the term structure during recent monetary regimes

GA Hardouvelis - The Journal of Finance, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT I use weekly Treasury‐bill rates with maturities of one to twenty‐six weeks to
examine the information in forward rates during the 1970s and 1980s. Forward rates contain …

New hope for the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates

KA Froot - The Journal of Finance, 1989 - Wiley Online Library
Survey data on interest rate expectations permit separate testing of the two alternative
hypotheses in traditional term structure tests: that the expectations hypothesis fails, and that …

Term structure forecasting using macro factors and forecast combination

M De Pooter, F Ravazzolo… - FRB International Finance …, 2010 - papers.ssrn.com
We examine the importance of incorporating macroeconomic information and, in particular,
accounting for model uncertainty when forecasting the term structure of US interest rates. We …

The information in the term structure: Some further results

FS Mishkin - 1988 - nber.org
This paper provides some refinements and updating of Fama's (1984) evidence on the
information in the term structure about future spot interest rate movements. First, it uses …