From Galois field extensions to Galois comodules

R Wisbauer - Advances in ring theory, 2005 - World Scientific
Given a finite automorphism group G of a field extension E⊃ K, E can be considered as
module over the group algebra K [G]. Moreover, E can also be viewed as a comodule over …

[PDF][PDF] The cohomological aspects of Hopf Galois extensions over a commutative ring

K Yokogawa - 1981 -
Introduction. Let R be a commutative ring with identity, H a finite co-commutative Hopf
algebra over R and A an//-Hopf Galois extension of R in the sense of [15]. When R is a field …

Representation theory of Hopf Galois extensions

HJ Schneider - Israel Journal of Mathematics, 1990 - Springer
Let H be a Hopf algebra over the field k and B⊂ A a right faithfully flat right H-Galois
extension. The aim of this paper is to study some questions of representation theory …

Galois comodules

T Brzeziński - Journal of Algebra, 2005 - Elsevier
Galois comodules of a coring are studied. The conditions for a simple comodule to be a
Galois comodule are found. A special class of Galois comodules termed principal …

Hopf bigalois extensions

P Schauenburg - Communications in Algebra, 1996 - Taylor & Francis
Let k be a commutative base ring and H a Hopf algebra. An H-Galois extension A of k is an
H-comodule algebra such that A'"= k and a certain map A@ A+ A@ H is bijective. The notion …

On Galois corings

R Wisbauer - Hopf algebras in noncommutative geometry and …, 2019 -
For a long period the theory of modules over rings on the one hand and comodules and
Hopf modules for coalgebras and bialgebras on the other side developed quite …

Comatrix corings applied to weak and partial Galois theory

E De Groot - 2005 -
Corings can be viewed as coalgebras over noncommutative rings, in fact they are
coalgebras in the monoidal category of bimodules over a (noncommutative) ring. A beautiful …

Galois extensions as functors of comodules

KH Ulbrich - manuscripta mathematica, 1987 - Springer
Galois extensions as functors of comodules Page 1 manuscripta math. 59, 391 397 (1987)
manuscripta mathemati ca @ Springcr-Verlag 1987 GALOIS EXTENSIONS AS FUNCTORS OF …

[PDF][PDF] Hopf module duality applied to X-outer Galois theory

A Masuoka, T Yanai - Journal of Algebra, 2003 -
We work over a fixed ground field k in arbitrary characteristic. Let R be a prime algebra, and
let Q denote the symmetric Martindale quotient ring of R. We know from [10, Section 6.4] that …

[PDF][PDF] Hopf-Galois and bi-Galois extensions

P Schauenburg - Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and …, 2004 -
Hopf-Galois extensions were introduced by Chase and Sweedler [8](in the commutative
case) and Kreimer and Takeuchi [25](in the case of finite dimensional Hopf algebras) by …