Rectification phenomena in carrier-mediated ion transport

G Stark - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1973 - Elsevier
Ion transport across membranes mediated by carrier molecules may show rectification
phenomena either if the membrane is asymmetrical or if the aqueous solutions on both sides …

Kinetics of carrier-mediated ion transport across lipid bilayer membranes

P Läuger, G Stark - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes, 1970 - Elsevier
A theoretical treatment of the electrical conductance and tracer permeability of lipid bilayer
membranes in the presence of macrocyclic ion carriers is given. The analysis is based on …

The transport of potassium through lipid bilayer membranes by the neutral carriers valinomycin and monactin: Experimental studies to a previously proposed model

G Stark, R Benz - The Journal of membrane biology, 1971 - Springer
Stationary conductance experiments on neutral and negatively charged bilayer membranes
in the presence of valinomycin or monactin agree with a recently proposed carrier transport …

Valinomycin-mediated ion transport through neutral lipid membranes: Influence of hydrocarbon chain length and temperature

R Benz, G Stark, K Janko, P Läuger - The Journal of Membrane Biology, 1973 - Springer
Stationary electrical conductance experiments together with nonstationary relaxation
experiments allow a quantitative determination of rate constants describing carrier-mediated …

Carrier-mediated ion transport across thin lipid membranes

G Stark - Concepts and Models, 1978 - Springer
The molecular basis of ion transport across biological membranes is largely unknown at
present. Its study is complicated above all by the complex nature of living systems, which …

Effects of lipid structure on the kinetics of carrier-mediated ion transport.

R Benz, D Cros, K Janko, P Läuger… - Acta Physiologica …, 1980 -
The mechanism of alkali-ion transport mediated by valinomycin (or similar macrocyclic
carriers) may be studied using artificial planar bilayer membranes. The rate constants of the …

Carrier model for active transport of ions across a mosaic membrane

A Finkelstein - Biophysical journal, 1964 -
The central purpose of this paper is to elucidate in a well defined system the meaning of
certain phenomena and concepts associated with the active transport of ions. To this end a …

Influence of membrane structure on the kinetics of carrier-mediated ion transport through lipid bilayers

R Benz, O Fröhlich, P Läuger - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) …, 1977 - Elsevier
Charge-pulse relaxation experiments of valinomycin-mediated Rb+ transport have been
carried out in order to study the influence of membrane structure on carrier kinetics. From the …

Kinetics of ion transport in lipid membranes induced by lysine-valinomycin and derivatives

G Stark, BF Gisin - Biophysics of structure and mechanism, 1979 - Springer
Lysine-valinomycin and two N∈-acyl derivatives are compared with respect to their potency
to transport Rb+ ions across thin lipid membranes. Lysine-valinomycin acts as a neutral ion …

The steady-state theory of the carrier transport of ions

SB Hladky - The Journal of Membrane Biology, 1972 - Springer
The theory for the carrier transport of ions across lipid membranes is extended to consider
the potential dependence of the association-dissociation reactions between the carrier and …