On covers and envelopes in some functor categories

L Mao - Communications in Algebra, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
We study the existence of covers and envelopes by some special functors on the category of
finitely presented modules. As an application, we characterize some important rings using …

Relative injective covers

JR García Rozas, B Torrecillas - Communications in Algebra, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Injective covers of modules were introduced by Enochs [5] as a categorical dual of an
injective envelope and they have been investigated by many authors. The T-torsionfree …

The phantom cover of a module

I Herzog - Advances in Mathematics, 2007 - Elsevier
A morphism f: M→ N of left R-modules is a phantom morphism if for any morphism g: A→ M,
with A finitely presented, the composition fg factors through a projective module …

[PDF][PDF] On some monic covers and epic envelopes

S Crivei, B Torrecillas - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2008 - academia.edu
We establish equivalent conditions under which every object in an Abelian category has a
monic X-cover and an epic X-envelope respectively, when X is a class of objects closed …

[PDF][PDF] Endomorphism rings and category equivalences

JL Garcia, M Saorin - Journal of Algebra, 1989 - core.ac.uk
The use of category equivalences for the study of endomorphism rings stems from the Morita
theorem. In a sense, this theorem can be viewed as stating that if P is a finitely generated …

Preserving and reflecting covers by functors. Applications to graded modules

JRG Rozas, B Torrecillas - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1996 - Elsevier
We study C-covers in the context of Grothendieck categories. Namely, we analyse when a
functor between two Grothendieck categories preserves or reflects C-covers. We apply our …

[PDF][PDF] The category of s-unital modules

H Komatsu - Mathematical Journal of Okayama University, 1986 - ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp
The category of unital modules over a ring with identity element is characterized as a
cocomplete abelian category with a progenerator. More generally, every cocomplete abelian …

Contravariant functors on the category of finitely presented modules

I Herzog - Israel journal of mathematics, 2008 - Springer
If R is an associative ring with identity, a theory of minimal flat resolutions is developed in the
category ((R-mod) op, Ab) of contravariant functors G:(R-mod) op→ Ab from the category R …

[HTML][HTML] Derived equivalences of functor categories

J Asadollahi, R Hafezi, R Vahed - Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2019 - Elsevier
Let Mod-S denote the category of S-modules, where S is a small pre-additive category.
Using the notion of relative derived categories of functor categories, we generalize Rickard's …

[HTML][HTML] Covers, envelopes, and cotorsion theories in locally presentable abelian categories and contramodule categories

L Positselski, J Rosický - Journal of Algebra, 2017 - Elsevier
We prove general results about completeness of cotorsion theories and existence of covers
and envelopes in locally presentable abelian categories, extending the well-established …