The term structure of expectations and bond yields

RK Crump, S Eusepi, E Moench - 2016 -
How much do term premiums matter for explaining the dynamics of the term structure of
interest rates? A lot. We characterize the expected path of nominal and real short-rates as …

Evolving macroeconomic perceptions and the term structure of interest rates

A Orphanides, M Wei - Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2012 - Elsevier
We explore the role of evolving beliefs regarding the structure of the macroeconomy in
improving our understanding of the term structure of interest rates within the context of a …

Expectations and the term structure of interest rates: Evidence and implications

RG King, A Kurmann - FRB Richmond Economic Quarterly, 2002 -
Although the expectations theory is the dominant model of long-term interest rate
determination, empirical studies often reject its implications. Taking the theory as a …

Information in (and not in) the term structure

GR Duffee - The Review of Financial Studies, 2011 -
Standard approaches to building and estimating dynamic term structure models rely on the
assumption that yields can serve as the factors. However, the assumption is neither …

Term structure forecasting using macro factors and forecast combination

M De Pooter, F Ravazzolo… - FRB International Finance …, 2010 -
We examine the importance of incorporating macroeconomic information and, in particular,
accounting for model uncertainty when forecasting the term structure of US interest rates. We …

Term premia and inflation uncertainty: Empirical evidence from an international panel dataset

JH Wright - American Economic Review, 2011 -
This paper provides cross-country empirical evidence on term premia. I construct a panel of
zero-coupon nominal government bond yields spanning ten industrialized countries and …

Pricing the term structure with linear regressions

T Adrian, RK Crump, E Moench - Journal of Financial Economics, 2013 - Elsevier
We show how to price the time series and cross section of the term structure of interest rates
using a three-step linear regression approach. Our method allows computationally fast …

The term structure of real rates and expected inflation

A Ang, G Bekaert, M Wei - 2007 -
Changes in nominal interest rates must be due to either movements in real interest rates,
expected inflation, or the inflation risk premium. We develop a term structure model with …

Inflation forecast errors and time variation in term premia

WFM De Bondt, MM Bange - Journal of Financial and Quantitative …, 1992 -
The expectations theory of the term structure is well known to give wrong signals as to the
future course of long-term interest rates. One explanation involves rational time-varying term …

A multicountry comparison of term-structure forecasts at long horizons

P Jorion, F Mishkin - Journal of Financial Economics, 1991 - Elsevier
This paper extends previous work on the information in the US term structure at longer
maturities to Britain, West Germany, and Switzerland. We find strong evidence that the term …