Exact categories and vector space categories

P Dräxler, I Reiten, S Smalø, Ø Solberg… - Transactions of the …, 1999 - ams.org
In a series of papers additive subbifunctors $ F $ of the bifunctor $\operatorname {Ext} _
{\Lambda}(,) $ are studied in order to establish a relative homology theory for an artin …

Closed subbifunctors of the extension functor

AB Buan - Journal of Algebra, 2001 - Elsevier
Given a subbifunctor F of Ext1 (,), one can ask if one can generalize the construction of the
derived category to obtain a relative derived category, where one localizes with respect to F …

Homologically finite subcategories

M Auslander, I Reiten - Representations of algebras and related …, 1992 - cambridge.org
Let A be an artin algebra and modA the category of finitely generated A-modules. Unless
stated to the contrary, by a subcategory C of a category we mean a full subcategory of an …

[PDF][PDF] Functors on locally finitely presented additive categories

H Krause - Colloquium Mathematicum, 1998 - bibliotekanauki.pl
An additive category with direct limits is said to be locally finitely presented provided that the
full subcategory of finitely presented objects is skeletally small and every object is a direct …

[PDF][PDF] Morphisms and modules for poly-bicategories

JRB Cockett, J Koslowski, RAG Seely - Theory and Applications of …, 2003 - tac.mta.ca
Linear bicategories are a generalization of ordinary bicategories in which there are two
horizontal (1-cell) compositions corresponding to the “tensor” and “par” of linear logic …

Contravariant functors on the category of finitely presented modules

I Herzog - Israel journal of mathematics, 2008 - Springer
If R is an associative ring with identity, a theory of minimal flat resolutions is developed in the
category ((R-mod) op, Ab) of contravariant functors G:(R-mod) op→ Ab from the category R …

[PDF][PDF] Applications of contravariantly finite subcategories

M Auslander, I Reiten - Advances in Mathematics, 1991 - core.ac.uk
Throughout this paper we assume that all modules are finitely generated over an artin
algebra L!. We denote by mod/i the category of all finitely generated/i-modules. The notions …

Auslander's formula and correspondence for exact categories

R Henrard, S Kvamme, AC Van Roosmalen - Advances in Mathematics, 2022 - Elsevier
The Auslander correspondence is a fundamental result in Auslander-Reiten theory. In this
paper we introduce the category mo d adm (E) of admissibly finitely presented functors and …

The Hom-spaces between projective functors

E Backelin - Representation Theory of the American Mathematical …, 2001 - ams.org
The category of projective functors on a block of the category $\mathcal O (\mathfrak g) $ of
Bernstein, Gelfand and Gelfand, over a complex semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g …

[HTML][HTML] Classifying exact categories via Wakamatsu tilting

H Enomoto - Journal of Algebra, 2017 - Elsevier
Using the Morita-type embedding, we show that any exact category with enough projectives
has a realization as a (pre) resolving subcategory of a module category. When the exact …