[PDF][PDF] On the projective cover of a module and related results.

U Shukla - 1962 - projecteuclid.org
Introduction* The concept of the" injective envelope" of a module was first given by Eckmann
and Schopf [2], although this terminology was first employed by Matlis [5]. The injective …

Modules over endomorphism rings

AK Gupta, K Varadarajan - Communications in Algebra, 1980 - Taylor & Francis
IYTRODCCTION 1: n~ onorphism rings of various types of modules have been objects of
extensive study in the recent past [2, 11, 14, 15, 18, 25, 261. In [15] Erika Mares introduced …

Injective modules over Noetherian rings

E Matlis - Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1958 - msp.org
Introduction In this discussion every module over a ring R will be understood to be a left i2-
module. R will always have a unit, and every module will be unitary. The aim of this paper is …

Cohomological properties of modules with secondary represetations

L Melkersson - Mathematica Scandinavica, 1995 - JSTOR
The notion of secondary representation is in some sense dual to that of primary
decomposition. A module M over the ring A (always assumed to be a com mutative …

[引用][C] The dual of the notion of “finitely generated”

P Vámos - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 1968 - Wiley Online Library
1. Although most of the concepts related to the chain conditions for modules can easily be
dualized, a conspicuous phenomenon of the theory is the lack of a complementary notion to …

[PDF][PDF] Uniform modules and complements

J Dauns - Houston J. Math, 1980 - Citeseer
Introduction. This note investigates modules containing an essential direct sum of uniform
submodules. Theorem I gives five different necessary and sufficient conditions in order for a …

[引用][C] Perfect modules

RS Cunningham, EA Rutter - Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1974 - Springer
Semi-perfect and perfect modules were introduced by Mares [3] as generalizations of
Bass'[2] notions of semi-perfect and perfect rings. She developed a substantial structure …

[引用][C] On projective and injective modules

B Banaschewski - Archiv der Mathematik, 1964 - Springer
1. In this paper, the structure theorems of I~ AGAO and l~ AXAYAMA [4] for projective and
injective modules over certain rings are derived by methods different from those used in [4] …

[PDF][PDF] Note on categories of indecomposable modules

M Harada - Publications du Département de mathématiques (Lyon), 1972 - numdam.org
Let E be a ring with identity and M a unitary right^-module wich is a directsum of
indecomposable, infective modules. E. Matlis [13] posed the following question: for any …

Simple injective modules

FW Anderson - Mathematica Scandinavica, 1978 - JSTOR
Rosenberg and Zelinsky [6] first addressed the question of characterizing for a ring R those
simple modules RT having injective hulls of finite length. In that work they also announced a …