C-fpn-Injective and C-fpn-Flat modules under Foxby equivalence

M Amini, F Rezaei, A Vahidi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02277, 2022 - arxiv.org
Let S and R be rings, SCR a (faithfully) semidualizing bi-module, and n 1 a natural number.
In this paper, we introduce the concepts of C-fpn-injective and C-fpn-at modules. Then we …

FPn-injective and FPn-flat modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule

W Wu, Z Gao - Communications in Algebra, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Let S and R be rings, SCR be a semidualizing bimodule and n≥ 0 be an integer or n=∞.
We introduce and study C-FP n-injective and C-FP n-flat modules as a common …

fpn-injective and fpn-flat modules

J Wei, Y Zhang - Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2015 - degruyter.com
In this paper, we introduce the notion of fpn-injective and fpn-flat modules, and investigate
their properties. In particular, we prove that every left R-module has an fpn-injective cover …

On n-FI-Injective and n-FI-Flat Modules

Z Gao - Communications in Algebra, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a ring, na fixed non-negative integer and ℱℐ n (ℱ n) the class of all left (right) R-
modules of FP-injective (flat) dimension at most n. A left R-module M (resp., right R-module …

Relative copure modules and Foxby equivalence

Z Zhang, J Wei - Communications in Algebra, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
Let R be a commutative ring and C a semidualizing R-module. For a non-negative integer n,
we study a natural generalization of copure injective (flat) modules by introducing the …

On --flat modules and -von Neumann regular rings

N Mahdou, EH Oubouhou - Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2024 - World Scientific
Let R be a commutative ring with a nonzero identity and M an R-module. Set ϕ-tor (M)={x∈
M| sx= 0 for some s∈ R\Nil (R)}, if ϕ-tor (M)= M then M is called a ϕ-torsion module. An R …

Remarks on fp-Injective and fp-Flat Modules

L Mao - Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2011 - Springer
Abstract A left R-module M is said to be fp-injective if, for every monomorphism K→ L with K
and L finitely presented left R-modules, Hom (L, M)→ Hom (K, M) is an epimorphism. A right …

Some Remarks on -Dedekind rings and -Prufer rings

X Zhang, W Qi - arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.08278, 2021 - arxiv.org
In this paper, the notions of nonnil-injective modules and nonnil-FP-injective modules are
introduced and studied. Especially, we show that a $\phi $-ring $ R $ is an integral domain if …

On φ-u-S-flat modules and nonnil-u-S-injective modules

H Kim, N Mahdou, EH Oubouhou - Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2024 - degruyter.com
This paper introduces and studies the ϕ-uS-flat (resp., nonnil-uS-injective) modules, which
are a generalization of both ϕ-flat modules and uS-flat modules (resp., both nonnil-injective …

n-Flat and n-FP-injective modules

X Yang, Z Liu - Czechoslovak mathematical journal, 2011 - Springer
n-FLAT AND n-FP-INJECTIVE MODULES 1. Introduction We use R-Mod (resp., Mod-R) to
denote the category of all left (resp., right) Page 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 61 (136) …