Derived equivalence induced by infinitely generated 𝑛-tilting modules

S Bazzoni, F Mantese, A Tonolo - Proceedings of the American …, 2011 -
Let $ T_R $ be a right $ n $-tilting module over an arbitrary associative ring $ R $. In this
paper we prove that there exists an $ n $-tilting module $ T'_R $ equivalent to $ T_R $ which …

Good tilting modules and recollements of derived module categories

H Chen, C Xi - Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2012 -
Let T be an infinitely generated tilting module of projective dimension at most one over an
arbitrary associative ring A, and let B be the endomorphism ring of T. We prove that if T is …

Recollements from generalized tilting

D Yang - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2012 -
Let $\mathcal {A} $ be a small dg category over a field $ k $ and let $\mathcal {U} $ be a
small full subcategory of the derived category $\mathcal {D}\mathcal {A} $ which generates …

The 𝑡-structure induced by an 𝑛-tilting module

S Bazzoni - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2019 -
We study the $ t $-structure induced by an $ n $-tilting module $ T $ in the derived category
$\mathcal {D}(R) $ of a ring $ R $. Our main objective is to determine when the heart of the …

On tau-tilting subcategories

J Asadollahi, S Sadeghi, H Treffinger - Canadian Journal of …, 2024 -
The main theme of this paper is to study $\tau $-tilting subcategories in an abelian category
$\mathscr {A} $ with enough projective objects. We introduce the notion of $\tau $-cotorsion …

Equivalences induced by infinitely generated tilting modules

S Bazzoni - Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010 -
We generalize Brenner and Butler's Theorem as well as Happel's Theorem on the
equivalences induced by a finitely generated tilting module over Artin algebras, to the case …

Equivalences and the tilting theory

J Wei - Journal of Algebra, 2005 - Elsevier
We study a natural generalization of* n-modules (and hence also of*-modules) by
introducing the notion of*∞-modules. The most important results about* n-modules (and …

Quasi-tilting modules and counter equivalences

R Colpi, G D'Este, A Tonolo - Journal of Algebra, 1997 - Elsevier
Given two ringsRandS, we study the category equivalences T⇄ Y, where T is a torsion class
ofR-modules and Y is a torsion-free class ofS-modules. These equivalences correspond to …

Derived equivalences induced by nonclassical tilting objects

L Fiorot, F Mattiello, M Saorín - Proceedings of the American Mathematical …, 2017 -
Suppose that $\mathcal {A} $ is an abelian category whose derived category $\mathcal
{D}(\mathcal {A}) $ has $ Hom $ sets and arbitrary (small) coproducts, let $ T $ be a (not …

Infinitely generated complements to partial tilting modules

L Angeleri-Hügel, FU Coelho - Mathematical Proceedings of the …, 2002 -
Infinitely generated complements to partial tilting modules Page 1 Math. Proc. Camb. Phil.
Soc. (2002), 132, 89 c© Cambridge Philosophical Society DOI: 10.1017/S0305004101005394 …