[图书][B] Leadership influence on work opportunities for older adult workers

RS Ford - 2004 - search.proquest.com
Leadership's influence determines the workplace opportunities for the older adult worker
over the age of 50 years. This quantitative and qualitative study investigated five domains …

Job design factors in the workplace that support successful aging for older workers

MJ Sanders - 2009 - search.proquest.com
Increasing numbers of older adults are expected to return to the labor force to reap both the
financial and social rewards of paid employment. However, little is known about how the …

[图书][B] The aging workforce: A qualitative phenomenological study of mature workers' views of younger supervisors

CM Jamerson - 2009 - search.proquest.com
In an aging workforce, younger leaders' unawareness of the specific needs of mature
workers might result in loss of organizational knowledge and increased recruiting and …

Employing the Older Worker

DTAM Kooij - Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Since workers are aging across the world, organizations face the challenge of how to
manage and motivate their older workers. This article addresses three issues related to …

Motivating the older worker

N Kauffman - SAM Advanced Management Journal, 1987 - search.proquest.com
Due to the increasing average age of the US population and the extension of the mandatory
retirement age to 70, employers must be able to deal effectively with older employees …

[图书][B] Perceptions held by management of older adult workers' job effectiveness: As believed by older adult workers 55+ years of age and management level …

SM Sherman - 1998 - search.proquest.com
The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine perceptions among management-
level personnel about older adult workers 55+ years job effectiveness as believed by the …


JE Spillan, DB Campus, C Ziemnowicz - researchgate.net
The US workforce of tomorrow will be vastly different. Population projections show more
women, minorities, and older people. An aging workforce will give managers major …

[图书][B] A theoretical model and analysis of factors regarding engaging and retaining older workers

C Posey - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Peer-reviewed literature was used to establish a model for integrating older workers into the
contemporary workforce. Information was gathered from four perspectives: Gerontology …

Managing the older worker—Don't just rinse away the gray

RJ Paul, JB Townsend - Academy of Management Perspectives, 1993 - journals.aom.org
Executive Overview America is aging—and rapidly! Currently, one American in four is fifty or
older and one in eight is over sixty-five. By the year 2000, nearly half of us will be over forty …

Employers' Support of Older Adults Facing Ageism in the Workplace: A Scoping Review of the Literature

A Bull, R Mirza, A Gardiola, C Klinger… - Innovation in Aging, 2021 - academic.oup.com
As the Canadian population continues to age rapidly, addressing the social structures that
negatively impact older adults is of increasing importance. The most prominent of these …