[图书][B] The emergent organization: Communication as its site and surface

JR Taylor, EJ Van Every - 1999 - taylorfrancis.com
Today's organizations face a wide variety of challenges, including such contradictions as
maintaining unity of action while becoming increasingly diverse. Even the definition of …

[图书][B] Communication yearbook 16

S Deetz - 2012 - api.taylorfrancis.com
The Communication Yearbook 16 focuses on the study of communication within corporate
organizations. Part II explores the role of communication studies in such timely issues as …

Communication--Embrace the Subject, Not the Field.

JR Beniger - Journal of Communication, 1993 - ERIC
Argues that, to make itself more central to studies in its own field, American communication
should embrace its traditional, albeit now greatly expanded, subject matter (communication) …

Democracy, participation, and communication at work: A multidisciplinary review

G Cheney, J Straub, L Speirs-Glebe… - Communication …, 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
This review essay examines a broad multidisciplinary literature on democracy and work,
highlighting issues of theory and practice of special interest to communication scholars. The …

[引用][C] Conceptual foundations

S Deetz - The new handbook of organizational communication …, 2001