Primitive nervous systems

LM Passano - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 1963 - National Acad Sciences
For nearly fifty years the dominant and accepted theory of the evolution of the nervous
system has been that of GH Parker, developed over the course of the decade from 1909 to …

The origin of the integrative systems: a change in view derived from research on coelenterates and sponges

MP de Ceccatty - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 1974 -
Can speculation about the evolutionary origin of the nervous system have any valile? That
we may never know exactly by what route the beliaviour machinery of thefirst Metazoa was …

[图书][B] Evolution of the first nervous systems

PAV Anderson - 2013 -
This book represents the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop of the
same name, held at St. Andrews University, Scotland in July of 1989. It was the first meeting …

[图书][B] The neurones and supporting elements of the brain of a selachian

GL Houser - 1901 -
The student of mammalian neurology has his attention fixed on a mechanism of surpassing
complexity. In the pursuit of his work, he is continually touching problems, both …

Morphogenetic factors in the differentiation of the nervous system

CJ Herrick - Physiological Reviews, 1925 -
The agencies which operate in the differentiation of the nervous system of the individual
animal body are open to direct study by observation and experiment. Attempts have also …

[引用][C] Primitive neurons in the embryonic human central nervous system

T Humphrey - Journal of Comparative Neurology, 1944 - Wiley Online Library
The possible presence of a transitory primitive nervous mechanism in mammais,
comparable to that described for amphibians by Coghill ('13,'14 and elsewhere) and others …

On the origin of the nervous system

G Miller - 2009 -
What did the first neurons and nervous systems look like, and what advantages did they
confer on the animals that possessed them? In the seventh essay in Science's series in …

Croonian Lecture-The elementary nervous system

CFA Pantin - Proceedings of the Royal Society of …, 1952 -
Nervous organization is found in a most elementary form in the sea-anemones. Their
behaviour is brought about partly by specific muscles, partly by the mechanically complex …

[图书][B] The nervous system of vertebrates

JB Johnston - 1906 -
The attempt has been made in the following pages to give an account of the nervous system
as a whole, to trace its phylogenetic history and to show the factors which have determined …

[图书][B] Evolution of brain and behavior in vertebrates

RB Masterton, ME Bitterman, CBG Campbell, N Hotton - 2018 -
Originally published in 1976, the object of this volume was to present a relatively up-to-date
overview of what was known, what was suspected, and what remained to be discovered …